A Bunch Of Questions

God made salvation very simple, "faith in His Son" In Christ we have all mercy needed to obtain eternal life and escape judgment. Those who reject Christ, reject mercy and the Fathers Love. They cannot blame God if they go to a place that has no mercy nor the Love of the Father. It is mans pride that causes them to reject Christ, its that pride that will be judged.
I don't know if I should post my questions separately, but I'm wondering 1. what I should do if my family, friends and boyfriend don't believe in God AT ALL. 2. Does God still love people even if they don't believe in him and say things that in my opinion are disrespectful? 3. And is it true that God doesn't like people who are homosexuals? I'm just wondering because I thought he loved everyone and I must admit that I don't agree with it at all. And I don't know if that's okay. 4. I just think we should love everyone regardless of skin color, sex, sexual orientation, political views etc. I don't see why that should separate us and why homosexuality is a sin.

5. I'm also wondering about everything in regard to evolution. It says in my handbook that I got in America that human-beings did not evolve from some primitive life form. 6. And I'm also wondering about dinosaurs, because I think the bible says that the earth is like 6000 years old, but that doesn't agree with the skeletons of dinosaurs that has been found. It's like science does not agree with religion, and I would like to find a way to MAKE it :) I don't go to church anymore either (I did in the US. I went to youth group every Monday and sometimes at Sundays too), because I don't like the churches in Denmark at all. They are SOOO different from the churches in the US, and I don't enjoy spending time there at all. Does that make me a bad Christian??

I hope I didn't post this in the wrong place and that you won't consider my questions disrespectful, because that it not my intention at all. I'm just confused and curious. I hope it's okay.
Hi and welcome.

1. Do the best you can. Nobody's salvation is on your head, but God wants to use you. So He places you where you can be used / serve Him.
2. God loves everyone. His grace and mercy endures forever. God loves the devil. God loves those who reject and hate Him for all eternity.
3. God hates nobody! God hates sin! There are levels of extremity of sin. Homosexuality is high up on that list.
4. We must love everyone indeed. But we must also distinguish between our family in Christ and those outside. To the 'unsaved', '''loving''' them is to preach the good news of the cross. To our saved family, loving them is exhorting, rebuking and correcting them Prov 27:6. That will involve rebuke from sexual immorality 1 Cor 5:12.
5. Evolution is a funny theory. Mankind from apes :ROFLMAO:. Laugh at it with me until they find HARD observable evidence please. Just use some lateral thought. A person who does not believe in God....what are his options? Surely only something like evolution...? We should all be for science. I follow evolutions claims closely. Only because it mocks God. A good God does not create via natural selection!!! :rolleyes:....and God is good.
6. What's to wonder? Paleontology is fascinating. I love it when they find bones! It is so interesting! I don't mind them dating it millions of years old either. Just don't say we come from them. As for our age, many believe the earth is older. The age of the earth is immaterial however. The issue is more specifically with our age. Humans can only be 6 000 - 7 500 years old. If we are older, where are the sacred texts from God? A good God talks to His intelligent creation. He has done that for the last 6 000 years, not older.