1 Corinthians 12:10 Disernment of Spirits

Sorry, I have not been back to this post.

I was given a fake gift of X-Ray Discernment. I prayed for
salvation, and was saved, and wanted to dedicate Myself to
serving the Lord, and was given a thorn in My side, and also
had a conversation with God, I still don't know what it was,
But I kept nodding yes to what ever I was being told, and I
found out later I was given gifts right away.

And of My gifts, I also was given one I knew could not be right,
and must have been a counterfit.

I was so new in Christ, and so happy, that I went as soon as I
could to find a Bible book store. I entered a Jesus Book And
Gift, and could not believe the almost Library size of that book

So I asked for help, ( and should have asked for a map,
compass, water, and snake bite kit ), in finding a Bible.
But I could instantly tell, of everyone I looked at in the store,
though there were not lots of people in there that day, who
was good and who was evil.

It seemed an strange definition of Discernment of Spirit to Me,
not that I knew any terms at all,

except, and don't laugh, except for such things I only Knew
that Jesus was Lord, and what I knew from Charlie Brown's

I had been raised a Catholic when I was young, but it was all
about the Church, all about them, and performing rituals, You
spoke, and performed ritual acts ( sacrements ), when they
said so.

So I think I had learned more of a gospel belief from Charlie
Brown's Christmass, then I ever got from the Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church allways felt wrong to Me, because it never
taught Salvation.

But that day in the Book store, I just knew I should not have
X-Ray Spiritual Vision!!!!!!!!!!!

And later as I studdied, and tried a few Churches, I knew such
things, as how could I be despitefully used, by a supposed
saved person, and Brother in Christ and all, if I knew in
advance who were good, and who were evil?????

And I rejected the gift as soon as I saw it. And as such also
went thru the usual strugles we are suposed to go thru,
without some fake gift making up our minds for us and all.

One of the first Churches I tried was an Assemblies of God, as I
remember, but I did not realy like it. I was reading and
Studying God's Word, and knew I had gifts, and did not need a
Charasmatic offshoot Church, to help Me get gifts I did have.
So it was not an issue with that, I just didn't feel right that the
Charasmatic Church would know prophecy it it spent more time
Bitting them, then supposedly being spoken in tounges by

I didn't tell them that, but just kept looking. They seemed
happy, which was cool, but seemed all was OK, Dominion
Theology like, and I was like the lost world needs us to realy
help them in these times,

and we should spend just a little more time mourning for them,
as a burden, then be too all happy cloud about it all. Because
We are Saved, which is all happy cloud, good for us, but not
good for them, if we can't do more to try and cry to an extent
over wanting to help????

Just cause My thorn attacks Me, as I try and make sure we
understand prophetic keys, to see we are still working and
doing a good job, and not just giving up, because now
everyone thinks Christ will return in 2007/2008??????

I don't see it Myself, but everyone is like, oh it's too late to do
anything about it???????

And even though My thorn these days has me all, not very
happy myself, I do not mean we should be all doom and gloom,

But I dont think by any means, it's all going to be over in 2008,
because 1948+60=2008, and 1967+40=2007, & 1948+70=2018,
so somewhere from 2008 to 2018??? I guess is the end????
According to them??????

So without My X-Ray spiritual vision I strugle along at times,
like the rest of us, and I can discern the Spirit of things,
though not as a yes, no, no, yes, no, yes, yes, ...etc.., of
everyone I meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless. :)

According to scipture each of us has been given several gifts. These cannot be earned or worked up as they are gifts and not rewards. These gifts must be received by faith and moved in by faith. They are not based on your merit or abilities but on God's goodness and grace. Like salvation we must move into them by absolute faith in Christ- selah.
Yes, You are so wise thank You:D
Beyond that, it doesn't really work the way you are describing it either.

Could you be clearer please... And do you have Bible verses?
What you are speaking of may not be what I have? How is it suppose to be...?

Simply that my experience, you aren't 1> "Seeing" anything, it's not like some color glow around a person 2> it's not really a spirit you are "seeing". And as far as providing verses, as soon as I decide that what I'm able to "see" is Holy, I'll be happy to start using it. My experiences started out in my Christian life, but my "training" came from the Pagan world.

>>> Do I understand you correctly that you have had this gift, or have it now or you think it is of pagan origin:confused: I never had any training. And I can see the Holy Spirit in some as well...<<<

More particularly, I think what MoC is describing, is not the same as what I "see". Meaning, I can't tell "evil" people from good people. I "see" intent only, and it's very localized to the current moment, changing constantly. So a person who is evil may have absolutely no effect on me, unless they are basically in the process of doing something evil at that very moment. Also, I tend to think of it as a "feel" and not a "see".

>>>No if I am in a room full of people I don't feel or see one this way and the other that way...You make a good point... I've only seen a demon once, the examples of the photographs It would be called a knowing of the spirit ...I knew the son had a murderous spirit, and I knew the daughter was a stripper and into the occult... I didnot see a demon with either one, I just knew and knew it was evil<<<

Even more importantly, is to not let false discernment cloud your judgment.
Yes ! I agree, but how do I know it is false disearnment???

Same way you know anything is not God.

>>>SO far I think after being with the Lord for 30 years, studying His Word and much prayer I think I know what is of God and what is not...<<<

There is a danger in these things, and I'd honestly tell anyone that has the ability to NOT see it, to do exactly that.

>>>Yes, I do believe there is a danger ... ANd many times this suppose gift is actually a mental illness...But again, then why the gift thats mentioned in scripture if we are not to use it? Do you feel the same of the other gifts?

What is the danger? If the Lord has given this gift and you use it according to His instructions???

The danger is knowing that if it really is from the Lord. The think is, there are a lot of things we can't see with our eyes.

>>>Yes, this is true<<<
That IS mentioned in the Bible, where an angel opened someone's eyes, and he SAW the warriors of heaven standing ready to fight for their nation (I don't remember the specific story, but I'll try to look it up later). The thing is, God reveals what we need to know, when we need to know it, but ALWAYS for His glory.

>>>You don't need to look it up Ban I know the story...Are you saying this gift does not glorify the Lord?<<<

Not necessarily for our comfort. To be able to see demons and angels for instance is dangerous, because demons KNOW when you see them, and that makes you a target.

>>> I have no comfort in knowing or seeing with my spiritual eyes a darkness in or around a person... I don't know what to do with it ... I always asked the Lord in silence...<<<

The additional danger, is know if what you are experiencing is actually a gift from God with a purpose, or a trick from Satan. MoC recognized what he saw as a false gift, and on that he could be lucky that he recognized that and got away from it, or he could be wrong. Personally, I don't see anything helpful or useful in it, but at the same time, God has a purpose for what He's allowed me (read: MADE me) experience.
Ill respond to the above when I have more time
i agree i am catholic and never understood how much we was in a war.not a good thing to learn early you are in war.but this is what it is a spiritual war on all people.:mad:
From Ban...............The additional danger, is know if what you are experiencing is actually a gift from God with a purpose, or a trick from Satan.

I understand by a Pastor I spoke with that it is for the purpose of praying for that person... The pastor is from Jack Hayfords CHurch "Church on the Way" I think its called...
Could you give an example of a trick from satan? I understand better through examples...

MoC recognized what he saw as a false gift, and on that he could be lucky that he recognized that and got away from it, or he could be wrong. Personally, I don't see anything helpful or useful in it, but at the same time, God has a purpose for what He's allowed me (read: MADE me) experience.
Satan can make you think you see things, and will use this to manipulate your decisions. Just like with anything else Satan does.

Think of it like this...as a for instance ONLY. Suppose, you had a gift that let you see angels and demons. Straight up see them walking the earth. Sound like a useful gift? But, what if the demons could trick you into thinking THEY are angels, or that angels are demons? What if Satan used his power to make a good person appear evil, or an evil person appear good.

It's something to be very cautious about. Sprititual "X-ray vision" as MoC phrased it, is even MORE dangerous than what I would call what I see, because it would be even easier for Satan to manipulate or even to fake. He may be 100% correct in forsaking that as a false gift, because it's possible that Satan was acting as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

It may or may not be the same with you.
Satan can make you think you see things, and will use this to manipulate your decisions. Just like with anything else Satan does.

Other than praying for these people, there has been no decision making, in relation to what I know...or see in the spirit... I leave it up to the Lord... Yes, satan is a deciever and a distractor...

Think of it like this...as a for instance ONLY. Suppose, you had a gift that let you see angels and demons. Straight up see them walking the earth. Sound like a useful gift? But, what if the demons could trick you into thinking THEY are angels, or that angels are demons?

I do not follow what an angel would say to me unless it is already in the Fathers Word as His Instruction... I am aware of 2 religions that started that way, by listening to an angel that contridicted the Holy Word of God...

What if Satan used his power to make a good person appear evil, or an evil person appear good.

I firmly believe that you shall know them by their fruits, and as it is written in the Old Testament God does not look on the outward appearence as men do...

It's something to be very cautious about. Sprititual "X-ray vision" as MoC phrased it, is even MORE dangerous than what I would call what I see, because it would be even easier for Satan to manipulate or even to fake. He may be 100% correct in forsaking that as a false gift, because it's possible that Satan was acting as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

What do you see or have seen???

It may or may not be the same with you.

Ban, I do so appreciate you taking your time to counsel me on this... I want to know others views... And what their concern is... I will take your advice into consideration when the circumstances presents itself... In the meantime I am open to anything else you want to say... And of course a quick prayer as well:)You are a good brother, Thank You