Christ on His own Throne.

Hi @Glad4Mercy,

Thank you for your great comments on the Lord who receives this authority for He is the worthy one. First we see a description of His authority & then His qualifications for being worthy.

Description of His authority. (Rev. 4)

God has highly exalted Him above every name....

7 horns – all power, authority & dominion.

7 eyes – which is the seven fold Spirit of God.

Prevailed -

All these you mentioned & I will add a few more. 3 gem stones are mentioned, Jasper, Sardius & Emerald. These were all on the High Priest`s breastplate & represented a tribe & then there is a meaning of their name. These help us to understand what God the Father is revealing of Christ, His Son.

Like a Jasper – The Jasper stone was the last gem on the breastplate It represented the tribe of Naphtali whose name means, to prevail, to conquer. Christ was the last Adam & He prevailed over the world, the flesh & the devil. The `blood-red` colour of the gem indicates the priceless cost of our redemption – Christ`s precious blood.

Like a Sardius – This stone was first on the High Priest`s breastplate. It represented the tribe of Judah which means `to use the hand, indicating power & dominion, and a sceptre. Jesus, as we know, came from the tribe of Judah, but His kingship extends over all.

A rainbow like an Emerald – The Emerald gem was also on the breastplate of the High Priest & represented the tribe of Reuben, the first born of Israel. We know that the Lord Jesus Christ is God`s only Son & He is called the firstborn. This is not of birth but of manifestation. Christ is the first, the pre-eminent one. It is through Christ that God`s covenant, represented by the rainbow, is fulfilled.

Thus we can see that God the Father is revealing the authority that His Son has. He is the conqueror, with all power & dominion, the pre-eminent one over all.


Good stuff. The root word for Judah is "yada" which can indeed mean "use the hand", but the name Judah can also mean "PRAISED", (ie hold out or hands outstretched in praise). Leah named him Judah, because she praised the Lord at Judah's birth. Both meanings have wonderful applications.
Good stuff. The root word for Judah is "yada" which can indeed mean "use the hand", but the name Judah can also mean "PRAISED", (ie hold out or hands outstretched in praise). Leah named him Judah, because she praised the Lord at Judah's birth. Both meanings have wonderful applications.

Hi Glad4Mercy,

Thanks for the added meaning. I always appreciate how God`s word explains His symbols & how they dove-tail together, revealing more of our precious Lord.

We know that Christ is – equal, of one mind, & in unity with the Father. We also know from God`s word that in function the Godhead operates in divine procession – the Father initiates & the Son administers.....

Thus for Christ to have His own `throne,` His own authority & power, then it is from the Father. The Father gives the Son the authority & power for rulership over all, (under the Godhead).

I believe this is not to be assumed or to be done quietly in the background but for Christ to be publically recognised & honoured. It is the investiture of regal right – morally & legally, that will be celebrated amid heaven`s throng. It is the penultimate event of the ages.

If so then it certainly needs a closer & more thoughtful look into.

Immediately after the Lord says that He will have His `own throne,` His own authority, we see a `throne` being set up. This indicates an authority being appointed.

`To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne...immediately I was in the Spirit; & behold a throne set in heaven,....` (Rev. 3: 21 & 4: 2)

Then there is a description of three gem stones – Jasper, Sardius & Emerald. ( I will repeat these to bring out my thought).These were on the breastplate of the high Priest & not only represented a tribe but also had a specific meaning. These help us to understand what God the Father is revealing of Christ, His Son.

Like a Jasper – The Jasper stone was the last gem on the breastplate It represented the tribe of Naphtali whose name means, to prevail, to conquer. Christ was the last Adam & He prevailed over the world, the flesh & the devil. The `blood-red` colour of the gem indicates the priceless cost of our redemption – Christ`s precious blood.

Like a Sardius – This stone was first on the High Priest`s breastplate. It represented the tribe of Judah which means `to use the hand, indicating power & dominion, and a sceptre. Jesus, as we know, came from the tribe of Judah, but His kingship extends over all.

A rainbow like an Emerald – The Emerald gem was also on the breastplate of the High Priest & represented the tribe of Reuben, the first born of Israel. We know that the Lord Jesus Christ is God`s only Son & He is called the firstborn. This is not of birth but of manifestation. Christ is the first, the pre-eminent one. It is through Christ that God`s covenant, represented by the rainbow, is fulfilled.

Thus we can see that these are pointing to the first-born Son who prevailed over the enemy & is given authority & rulership in the highest realm. To confirm this we are given a pictorial representation of this momentous occasion. The Son, at the Father`s right hand steps forward & receives the appointed authority.

` the midst of the throne....a Lamb.....he came & took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.` (Rev. 5: 6 & 7)

Finally we realise that God Himself has prophesied of this inauguration.

`I have set My King on My holy hill of Zion......You are My Son....I will give you the nations for your inheritance & the ends of the earth for your possession.` (Ps. 2: 6 – 8)

God`s only Son, His first-born, will be appointed as King in the highest position of authority in all of the created realms.

For Christ to be given this highest position of rulership in the created order, He must be accounted worthy. This indicates that He has fulfilled all the qualifications set down by God – legally & morally.

Legally – Christ needed to be born of the human race as they were given dominion over the earth, plus no angel will oversee the world. (Heb. 2: 5)

- to be born of the human race, as God gave man dominion over the earth.
`Inasmuch then as children have partaken of flesh & blood, He Himself (Jesus) likewise shared the same.` (Heb. 2: 14)

Then Christ needed to be born of the right lineage – the nation of Israel, of the tribe of Judah & the house of David.

-to be born of the nation of Israel of the tribe of Judah & the house of David.
`Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, ` to the (step) father `Joseph, son of David.`(Matt.1: 20 & 2: 1)

Morally – Christ needed to have fulfilled God`s law, live sinlessly & prevail over the enemy.

- to have lived in the land of Israel & fulfil God`s Law.
`Behold, I (Jesus) have come to do your will, O God.` (Heb. 10: 9)

- to have lived sinlessly.
`how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God,...` (Heb. 9: 14)

– to prevail against then enemy.
`having disarmed principalities & powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.` (Col. 2: 15)

These details clearly show that the Lord Jesus Christ, the ascended, glorified Son of Man & Son of God is the worthy one who will receive this exalted position of rulership over all creation.


I think that it is important to understand why there are gem stones associated with this throne that is set up.

Jasper – tribe of Naphtali – meaning conqueror.

Sardius – tribe of Judah – meaning power & dominion.

Emerald – tribe of Reuben – meaning first-born.

These gem stones were on the breastplate of the High Priest. The Jasper & Sardius gem stones were the first & last & thus includes all in between.

Christ is the Great High Priest who is called `the First & the Last,` (Rev. 22: 13) meaning that He precedes & succeeds all other leaders, rulers of every age & in every realm.

He is the first- born, the conqueror over the enemy, & is given all power & dominion.

Thus we see that it is the glorified Son of God who is being described & who holds the highest office of Kingpriest.

King – represented by the throne.

High Priest – represented by the gem stones.

God`s word clearly explains what His symbols are to reveal every aspect of Christ for us to meditate & marvel at His glorious person.
I believe it is also important to understand the difference between the authority of the Godhead, (God`s throne) & the authority of this throne that is `set up.`

God`s Throne.

  • It is eternal.

  • It is the source of all authority.

  • It is beyond all created realms.

The Throne `set up.`

  • It is under the Godhead.

  • It is appointed by God the Father.

  • It is in the angelic realm.

God`s Eternal Throne.

We know that God, (the Father, Son & Holy Spirit) have a throne beyond all created things – an eternal throne. We also know that when Christ ascended in His glorified body that He sat down at the right hand of the Father with the glory He had before He came to earth.

(Jesus) `being the brightness of His (Father`s) glory & the express image of His person, & upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.` (Heb. 1: 3)

From this eternal throne we know that the Lord Jesus Christ is interceding & building the Body of Christ.

`We have such a high priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, a minister of the sanctuary …` (Heb. 8: 1 & 2)

Christ`s own Throne.

However in God`s appointed time Jesus will `go to His own throne` ie receive the authority from the Father. This will be the highest authority in the created order in the third heaven, (under the Godhead). Christ told us about His own throne

`To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on MY THRONE, as I also overcame & sat down with my Father on HIS THRONE.` (Rev. 3: 21)

I see that God the Father desires to honour His Son & present Him visibly to all, exalting Him to the highest place in all creation, (under the Godhead).

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power & riches & wisdom, & strength & honour & glory & blessing. “`(Rev. 5: 12)

God the Father `sets up, appoints Christ`s throne & anoints Him as King over all. We are told that this throne is set up in (the third) heaven.

`Immediately I was in the Spirit; & behold a throne was set in heaven...` (Rev. 4: 2)

Set – Gk. `keinai,` meaning to be appointed, set.

`I have set my King on My holy hill of Zion.` (Ps. 2: 6)

Set – Heb. `nacak,` meaning to pour out, to anoint a king, set up.

We are given a pictorial representation of this ceremony – the Father on the throne, with the authority, then gives the authority & the inheritance to His Son.

`And behold in the midst of the throne.....a Lamb....He came & took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne.` (Rev. 5: 6 & 7)

`I will declare the decree: the Lord (God the Father) has said to me, “You are my Son,....ask of me & I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the ends of the earth for your possession...` (Ps. 2: 7 & 8)

All of heaven will resound with the praises of Him who is anointed King & given this throne of highest authority.

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power & riches & wisdom, & strength & honour & glory & blessings!” (Rev. 5: 12)

Question – What do you know from scripture concerning Christ & His own throne?

It is also interesting to note that this throne of Christ`s, in the angelic realm is where Lucifer had his throne. When Lucifer sinned he was cast out from that glorious realm.

`How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, said in your heart: ...I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...` (Isa. 14: 12 & 13)

Since then God has not appointed any angel to rule there. And we know from God`s word that even though that area was cleansed, no angel will ever be given that authority again.

`For He (God) has not put the world to come, of which we speak, in subjection to angels.` (Heb. 2: 5)

So in God`s timing He will appoint & anoint His ruler over all. He `sets up,` appoints Christ`s throne (authority) & anoints Him as King over all.

Now is there a difference between Lucifer`s throne that he was given & Christ`s throne, appointed by the Father.

In Isaiah 14 we read of Lucifer with a throne – a king, then in Ezekiel 28 we see him as a priest with 9 of the gem stones as on the breastplate of the high priest.

`Lucifer....I will exalt my throne above the stars of God...` (Isa. 14: 13)

`You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom & perfect in beauty. ......every precious stone was your covering: the sardius, topaz & diamond, beryl, onyx & jasper, sapphire, turquoise & emerald with gold.....` (Ez. 28: 12 & 13)

Now we know that Christ is King & High priest, & the 12 gemstones on the High Priest`s breastplate describe certain aspects of His character & attributes.

`...sardius, topaz, & emerald, sapphire & a diamond,.....a ligure, an agate & an amethyst,....a onyx & a jasper..` (Ex. 28: 17 – 20)

Note the 3 gem stones – ligure, agate & amethyst, that were not given to Lucifer. They are specifically related to Christ.

Amethyst – for the tribe of Benjamin, with the meaning of `son of my right hand.`

Ligure – for the tribe of Ephraim, meaning `fruitful.`

Agate – for the tribe of Manasseh, meaning `to forget – to forgive.`

Thus we realise that Christ is the Son of God the Father who is at His right hand, plus He is the one who receives the inheritance from His Father to rule over all. He is the one who gives forgiveness, bringing many sons to glory, (fruitful)
What is the purpose of this Throne?

I see that God the Father desires to publically honour His Son & present Him visibly to all, exalting Him to the highest place in all creation, (under the Godhead).

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power & riches & wisdom, & strength & honour& glory & blessing. “`(Rev. 5: 12)

God the Father desires that Christ rule over all & gives Him the authority & power to rule over His enemies & bring them under His feet.

Jesus said, “ the Father....has committed all judgment to the Son,...& given Him authority to execute judgment .....` (John 5: 22 & 27)

God the Father also purposes for all things to come together under Christ`s authority.

` God the Father....having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven & which are on earth – in Him.` (Eph. 1: 9 & 10)