THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Thank you all! Tomorrow I will go to the streets with Care-A-Van, then I am heading to the Abbey to spend the afternoon with the Lord.. Home Page. This is an amazing place! It is all peaceful and solitude. It is where they make the famous Monk Bread..
I will be in prayer all afternoon tomorrow beginning around 2 pm. so if you could say special prayers tomorrow afternoon for me, that would be awesome.

Tonight I got a call to go to the Intensive Care at hospital. One of our families from the streets wanted a Pastor for a woman who does not have a Pastor. Elder Ron our Care-A-Van Pastor was not able to go, I was out of town earlier when the call came in. I had made a couple of other calls, but none of the Pastors were able to go.. so when I arrived at home at 10 Pm. I headed over to hospital. This young woman is 42 years old, single mom, 2 kids and she is on a respirator. While I prayed with her friend and was holding this woman's hand. I felt such peace.. As I sat on the couch in watiing room afterwards ministering to her friend.. I really felt a calling on my life... The woman in ICU does not believe in God, but one of the woman from the woman's group who just accepted the Lord here a few weeks back was sharing with her, hence then I got the call. Please pray for this woman her name is Paula.
God bless
A New Way - 9


A New Take on Repenting

If you're a reader of my messages and you don't get the importance of repenting of all of your sin against God by now, then I'm an ex-teacher and will be reaching for a big stick! *hee!*

So what does confessing and changing your mind about your sin (repenting) actually DO? Well, for one thing it clears the way for you to come to the Lord Jesus, which without repentance is simply NOT going to happen (even if it LOOKS like it has!!) Very serious!!!

But some may say, "Hey, I came to Jesus without repenting." Well, there are many millions in the world who think they are saved but are not, and "coming to Jesus without repenting" is UNsaved. If we want to be with God forever we must 'play' by His rules. Making up our own is simply kidding ourselves, and will NEVER work.

Repentance also opens you up to God's love, whereas unrepentance leaves an impenetrable wall between you and Him. So you get NO agape from Him. He's there aching to LOVE YOU, but cannot until you take the step of earnestly repenting which His word commands that you must.

Paul to the Greeks on Mars Hill said that God now commands all men everywhere to repent. Why? It's deadly serious: because He has appointed a day when He will judge the world justly through Jesus!! Acts Ch 17:30-31 The Amplified gives a great summary of what your repenting really means: "To change your mind for the better and heartily to amend your ways, with abhorrence of your past sins." - Thayer.

Fail to do that and you'll want to greatly fear the judgement. That is, Scripture here and elsewhere tie together repentance and the judgement. I don't know about you but at the judgement I want to be counted worthy - in Jesus - of eternal life WITH God, NOT the other place! If you DON'T want to go there, then get serious about confession of your sin and repenting of it all.

SUMMARY: Without REPENTANCE there can be no BELIEVING in Jesus!! Without repentance AND believing in Him, there can be NO SALVATION!!! God bless you as you work on this essential matter!!

- BM, with his Lady

EDIT: Every time you start being OBEDIENT about something, e.g., cleaning up your speech, setting your life to start caring for other Believers, you are in a sense REPENTING, because you are very much CHANGING YOUR MIND! These days I specifically say sorry and repent before my God when He reveals to me a new sin from the past that I'd (sometimes conveniently) forgotten.

Previously I think I 'repented' by increasing my obedience to the Lord. Just a new slant on this CRUCIAL matter that I've realised!

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Good one Bondman,

Yeah i guess it's a pretty basic concept .. well yeah .. like .. repent . I wonder if some of those who say they didn't repent don't realize how much Jesus has repented them without them noticing? ;)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)

Something definitely is to be said about transparency . most definitely . more light shines through that way as He indwells us . lately i've learned confessing my sins and trusting Him to forgive me (because He is faithful) has been quite awesome . I'm not sure how this connects to the judgment as your writing implies but perhaps everyday we live in Him is our judgment day quite often this purifying process is called sanctification .

But see that you're most likely talking about the elementary doctrine "repenting from dead works"
Hebrews 6

1Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto (maturity); not laying again the foundation of (turning away) from dead works, and of (trust) toward God,
2Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.
3And this will we do, if God permit.

Thanks again Bondman .
I know of no Scripture concerning "Jesus repenting people". Repenting is strictly our repsponsibility and our task, not His.

The verses I quoted tie Judgment with repenting, plus my Summary at the end.

No, I didn't mean 'elementary doctrine'. We all need to repent of all the things we've committed AGAINST GOD. A true new Christian has repented of all of his sin. I'm a mature Believer who still repents of sin from time to time. There's no separation here: confession and repentance is a lifelong task - as is learning obedience to God..

Blessings, man. I have an important post to put up next.

- BM
Hmm how do i separate what He does through me and what i actually do .. the bible tells me "i died" and Jesus now does all things through me . if i am cognizant of what He's doing . does that mean it is actually me doing it?

i was quite certain it was Him doing all this . because as for me .. i really had no interest in any of this stuff . and i'm too weak to repent on my own . i can't do that . but it's Him living in me that does it . though it seems like i do stuff .. i know it's gotta be Him . all of this is way too awesome .

Thanks again Bondman i look forward to the message coming up .
Numbers 23:19 . . . "God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?"
I guess i mean .

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Since Jesus became Sin so that we might become the righteousness of God . it would make sense that He would be intimately involved in this repentance process .

was just reminded of this passage

Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? (Romans 2:4)

hope that helps explain where i was coming from .

Love bless .
NOTICE and Update

With great sadness and tears in my eyes as I write this, I have to tell you that I believe the #9 Message of A New Way a few posts above is the last I'll be writing of it, and the final in the whole of the 5 Series of The Inner Room that I've done here since 1-1-08, a total of 326 Messages.

Based as they are on the clear and simple New Testament record and NOT on man's teaching, I dare to believe that these Messages can change the life of any person who reads them - then DOES them!! Some lives have been changed. Yours still can. And can be changed MORE!!

The Messages aren't going away, and will remain to be read so long as CFS is on the Internet. Besides which they are all on our own website, where you can also search for a word or words, phrase, or whatever. I shall put up the URL for this soon as I can.

That should tell you that this thread is NOT closing. Mainly I shall give you "UPDATES and for PRAYER" exactly as I've been doing, for those who care for and love us, considering that the precise subject of them - our serious ill-health - is the precise reason for me having absolutely no choice but to stop writing Messages.

I have a strong suspicion that I know the medical reason (besides Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) that's knocked me out of the arena, but will wait till I can get Doc to check this out (on Wednesday I hope), and then let you know here in the usual way.

The end of an era and way of life is always hard, but it has to be. The future? We badly need God to bring forth his healing of our bodies so we can again minister for Him. For example, I'd just love to be able to put the Messages onto YouTube some time. We'll see what the Lord says.

Meantime, check Indexes to see what you've not read and are not living out. There has to be at least ONE (or more?) out of 326 surely! *smile!* And don't forget that eternity is just around the corner for us all - please don't ASSUME, but rather make absolutey CERTAIN you're on the right side. My Messages can help greatly with this.

My love, my thanks, my appreciation, so many feelings I have towards and about you all. You've been just.... WONDERFUL!!!!

- BM, always with the support of his wonderful Lady
Hmm how do i separate what He does through me and what i actually do .. the bible tells me "i died" and Jesus now does all things through me . if i am cognizant of what He's doing . does that mean it is actually me doing it?

i was quite certain it was Him doing all this . because as for me .. i really had no interest in any of this stuff . and i'm too weak to repent on my own . i can't do that . but it's Him living in me that does it . though it seems like i do stuff .. i know it's gotta be Him . all of this is way too awesome .

Thanks again Bondman i look forward to the message coming up .

Michael, you and I should talk about this privately, as what you said is of concern to me. If I'm able, it would be my privilege to assist you.

As it's well after midnight Sunday here now, I'll contact you ASAP tomorrowl (health permitting of course as I'm in bed and sleeping a lot).
Michael, you and I should talk about this privately, as what you said is of concern to me. If I'm able, it would be my privilege to assist you.

As it's well after midnight Sunday here now, I'll contact you ASAP tomorrowl (health permitting of course as I'm in bed and sleeping a lot).

Rest well Bondman .
My dearest friend Bondman, you know this saddens me immensely but I know that you did not come to this decision without much prayer and agonizing. I know how much you love these people and how important your ministry is to you both physically and spiritually.

I've made a promise to you AND to God that I would be in frequent prayer for you and your Beloved. That won't end. You and your Beloveds love for me and Liz is treasured. While we can only reach out in prayer and through this thin wire that separates us, that is enough to keep our friendship alive forever.

God has not gone back on His promise. Waiting in the wings for your victorious healing through God's answer to prayer.

Blessings my friend and much love and prayer from this part of the world.
You and us BOTH share the sadness, my dear, dear brother, that I've no choice but to stop writing Messages here! I love the Lord, and love His truth, and am round about trebly blest, I reckon, how and with what He's blessed me as to understanding that truth directly from His Word (without man's meddling).

It's been a great life-joy to me to have been able share with other truth-seekers like myself, what He's shown me so clearly from the Scriptures. That the church just goes on and teaches things clearly contrary to Scripture fair breaks my heart. My prayer is that many will keep reading the Messages here, take up their content and truths into their life, and along with securing their salvation forever, so bless God and please Him immensely!!

God surely CAN be trusted, and through your prayers and those of others here WILL bring total healing to us, which along with the ministry funds He's also promised for our Christian Charity, will open up to us ministry like we could never have imagined possible. CAN'T WAIT!! *but guesses he'll have to, hee!*

Your amazing promise and faithfulness and love is almost beyond comprehension, my friend, but we accept them all with love and joy in Jesus and thankfulness to Him that He chose to cross our paths! WOW!!

Prayer continues for your very ill wife and for yourself. You are so precious to us and in the sight of the living God!

With all our love!!

- BM and his Beloved
Our most sincere and grateful thanks to all those who've expressed their care for us since I put up my Notice.

I'm not going away. Just not writing Messages (but they are still all here!!!). I know that's a big change, but my love and care for you all is in no way diminished.

Thankyou for those who pray. And a MIGHTY thankyou for those who'll continue to do so until I write and tell you that the Godly MIRACLES have happened!!!! (WITH pictures!!!)

May He continue to greatly bless you each one!!

With a pile of love!!!

- BM

Me n Gertie. Still smiling! - well most of the time anyway (but probly not in my sleep, which is sometimes most of the day at the moment).

- BM
Praying for COMPLETE healing for you, Bondman!

Dear Lord, your son needs you. You said that by your stripes we're healed. Lord, you are the God of miracles. Jesus touched the eyes of the blind and made them able to see. The shadow of peter passed over people and they were healed. We don't need to see you to know that you are the God of healing. Touch Bondman and his wife right now, in Jesus' name, and heal them from the crown of their heads to the sole of their feet. Give him strength and energy to do your work. Encourage his spirit and prepare him for the new thing you're about to do in his life. Thank you, Lord, that even across the internet you bring your people together. Thank you for holding up a standard of people who will stand for you even when others won't. Thank you for salvation and your blessings, new every morning. Lastly, thank you for hearing our prayer.

In Your Son's precious name,

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