THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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You may be "stuck" there in that chair.. but my goodnesss.. you touch hundreds of lives, right from Gertie! You are an amazing man of God.. I am praying for your trip out tomorrow.
God bless

Oh, thanks, hon! Always the encourager!! I spose me n Gertie don't do so bad. Gotta tell ya something funny but also rather neat about that: I actually couldn't do it with my Gertruda!! First though, the PC monitor, keyboard, and mouse are all setup on the desk at EXACTLY the right angle and position, e.g., if the screen wasn't that close with my left eye slowly clouding over from the cataract, I wouldn't be able to read read words on the monitor!

But here's the thing, Beloved has tied pillows (3 altogether, large and small!) onto Gertie, then I've got the arms and back at the EXACT right angle - so that my whole body is 'at rest' the whole time I'm here, half lying back. Without that I could NEVER write any messages at all!!!


For those who've not seen our 'setup'.
One more pillow has been added since that pic.

I love my wheelchair; I love a PC that allows me to share my knowledge of God with others; I love my Beloved wife; I love you and all the other guys; and I LOVE MY JESUS!!! I reckon this Aussie bloke's got about all that he could possibly want!!

- BM

It shouldn't really have worked. But it did: because loving people cared and prayed - and God answered!!! We'll have the results on Wednesday our time.

The staff took me straight in because Beloved had told them all about me(!), and treated me like royalty! They were all so lovely, and it couldn't have gone better. I shall definitely be writing a letter to the Head of the place to say a big Thankyou!!! The funniest bit was when the lady who was organising me onto the thing you lie on, told me that my friends were just outside. *hehe!* Two carers and 1 wife (yes, all ARE friends!) - I guess that was the safe thing to say! We reckon she may was wondering, "Why does the old fella need three ladies to look after him!! (But cos of stupid Govt. rules I DID need the 3 to get me there and back in reasonable condition.)

My "friends" got me back into the car to go home. I'd had had just 1 piece of toast to eat, plus the major stresses of getting there, and so on. I was completely WIPED OUT!! - quite awhile since that wiped out. But after a long sleep back home, and some food, I'm back in the land of the living tonight, not too badly affected by it all. (Beloved says that I'm tough!! Maybe so, but God is also WONDERFUL!!!)

I'll let you know results as soon as we have them. Thanks so much for your LOVE!!!

- BM
Hallelujah indeed, dear one!!!

Thankyou SO much for you and you wonderful Dad standing with us!!

Now we wait to see what the results say...

Love you both very much!!

- BM and Mrs
Reaching Higher #79


Hearing God Speak to You - Part 2

... Completed from Part 1

1. We are all different (which is a GOOD thing, right!!) Therefore we are ALL going to hear from God in different personal ways - along with likely hearing from Him differently at different times in our walk with Him throughout our life.

2. The closer you are to Him - the closer your daily walk with Him. And thus in general the better you'll be able to hear from Him. That's fairly logical I would have thought. However I've already expressed in Part 1 how I'm currently restarting how I hear from Him (after 53 years!!) And there may be be a very simple reason for this. Such as...

3. GOD HATES RUTS!!! You getting into one I mean (getting 'stale'). And we're simply BRILLIANT at doing this! Because it's comfortable, of course!! In the West we worship comfort!! We'll do anything to get it. Which is an EXTREMELY good reason for God to hate it!! Hey, He wants you living a VIBRANT Christian life by His Spirit, so as soon as you're in a rut about hearing from Him, He'll likely STOP you hearing in that way. You'll have to restart!! But restarting is no great drama. I think it's a GOOD thing starting over - often ending up better!!

4. I've said you must wait to hear from him. Wait patiently, so He can tell you - when HE'S ready. Because HE is God!! Oh, but keep asking!! Never give up. Mmm, but won't that drive Him mad? I remember a very dear friend saying, "Why do I have to keep asking Him? Didn't he hear me the first time? That makes no sense!" Sense or not, that's how it works! You see, He wants you to "prove" to Him that you're deadly SERIOUS about getting the answer!!

So if you pester the daylights out of Him (respectfully!), you are MUCH more likely to get an early answer!! See the Scripture basis for this (and a story!) HERE. (The post after it speaks of PPP: Persistently Pestering Prayers. I LIKE it!!!)

May He bless you so much as you seek to learn to hear from God!

- BM, with his Lady

Great message and you look great in the chair! how cool is that! Will be praying and thanking and praising God for the healing he has done!
Whooooooooooooo hooo!

Cool, me in Gertie, eh!! Well, sometimes I walk on my crutches, and sometimes just my legs for short distances - until all my energy quickly disappears. But I can only be here in Gertie. No other chair we have works. It would cost a lot to get a special one, and even then I think my Gertruda would be better.

I can get outside in her, and ride around the close blocks in our nice suberb. When it's not too hot, or not raining that is! But that's such a blessing!!

Once our great God brings a MIGHTY MIRACLE to both our very ill bodies, then I can be normal, and Beloved can be normal. You 'normal' folks don't know what a great wicket you're on, you truly don't!! Get on your knees at least 30 secs each day and give Him the thanks He deserves!!

Oh, and for that miracle, I agree completely: woooooooooooooooooooo hooo!

- BM


It's very natural that when you get good results of CT scans, you're gonna feel pretty happy. The results of head and tummy came back with zero problems, and for my head NO further brain shrinkage from earlier on (we expected there may be). SO THAT'S ALL GOOD!! And a big, big thankyou to our great God for that, and for answering all of our prayers!

But in a couple of hours we'll have our Doc round to see us both and to talk about the above findings! Tests show nothing, but something is still wrong in my gut. I can't eat any 'heavy' food as it just sits in the bottom of my stomach like a lead weight, making me feel sick! Which in turn means that I'm getting very little protein, which we'll have to properly investigate.

I suspect Doc will put me straight onto a course of antibiotics.

Beloved is in bed having wiped herself out really, really badly doing some work yesterday on all the weeds in our lawn (from all the rain) So that's it for her for this task. Simply cannot manage it any more. Her legs, arms, hands and head all in pain. So I'll see if her Care Providers (Govt. funded) can step up to help with that part of our life. Karen (best carer we have) is here at the moment and will soon be doing a second job that my Ladylove has to give up. It's GREAT that we DO have this help, even though what we really need is someone living here full time to take care of us...

Will update what Doc says. THANKYOU for your love and prayers!!!

- BM and Mrs
Praise God! Will be keeping it all in prayer

My girlfriend texted me Hebrews 4: 9-11 today

I needed this scripture! Have an awesome week.. time is flying by!
Thanks, Hon! Great Scripture your friend gave you!

I love how the Amplified says that we need to strive to enter into God's rest. Kind of sounds like a contradiction in terms, eh!! But it's not. We just HAVE to aim for no strugglin' n strivin' - just being at rest in Him.

I also love in Eph. Ch 6:13 how it ends with "and having done all to stand", i.e., we do our SMALL part, then stand (rest) because it is GOD Who's going to do the LARGE part - while we trustingly rest. Doesn't mean be lazy. Just getting the important balance right.

Much love!

- BM
Reaching Higher #80


Me A Bondman? (Radical?)

Well, let's see! First though let's check the English translations from the original Greek word doulos, i.e., what it really means as applied to Christians serving Jesus? Servant is the common translation; also bond-servant, bondman, slave, bond-slave. The worst of these in this context is "servant". Presumably the translators didn't want to offend anyone with stronger words. So IS doulos a SERVANT? No!!! Best is "bond-slave," being the word's meaning, and EXACTLY what they were!!

A bond-slave or bondman was a person bought as a slave and bonded to their master forever. No freedom possible prior to death. ALL personal rights... gone for all of time. They existed purely to do the will of their master - no matter WHAT that was (they had no rights, remember, so would never talk back, just dutifully do exactly what they were told).

So who were called doulos - bond-slaves - in the New Testament? The Apostle Paul is the most well known, over and over calling HIMSELF a bond-slave! Also John, Peter, James, Jude, Timothy, Tychicus, Phoebe, Epaphras, and maybe more. WHO then were they bonded to forever? JESUS of course!!! He was their Master and they deliberately, willingly, freely chose - of their own freewill - to be a doulos to the Lord Jesus. Wow!!

So in calling myself "Bondman" what am I doing? - making myself special like them? No way!! Well, aligning myself with them then? I certainly did get the idea from them and their lives. But no, I also deliberately, willingly, freely chose in 1999 to become a bond-slave to my Master, Jesus Christ. So what was the actual societal STATUS of the bond-slave? Lowest of the low!!! Just flesh to be bought and sold as a bonded slave.

So Paul was saying he was like this? Yes! And the others? Yes! And yourself? Yes. But you're NOT suggesting that I become a doulos are you? Not exactly. It's a free choice, but the first step I'd suggest could - though not necessarily - be making absolutely certain Jesus is Lord over all of your life, and that you belong always to Him. I did this in 1969, thirty years before I chose to be a bond-slave (never occurred to me previously!) But if He's already your Lord, then hey, why not consider this!!

It IS a very definite, drastic, bold step NOT, to be taken lightly. But will doing this make me a better Christian? - well, hold on, that's the wrong way round!! You choose to be a bondman to BECOME a better Christian. My life certainly changed in major ways from 1999. Some was hardship. Sometimes getting confused(!) But ultimately I would certainly NOT be here writing this but for having taken this step.

Did I tell anyone I'd chosen to be a bondman to my Master, Jesus? No I didn't. This was between Him and me. In the case of a VERY close Christian you trust implicitly, maybe you could tell if you felt Him saying to. I'm speaking of it here ONLY because I hope and pray that some of you are serious enough with the Lord that you may like to consider this major step. There is no going back. Remember, a bond-slave was forever. THAT'S one of the things that attracted me to this in the first place.

I'm sure you can see how very pertinent this is to what we'd call regular Christian living anyway!!! That is, a doulos can live out a very full Christian experience! Something like Paul, and the others! - and NOT really radical at all!!!

- BM, with his Lady

It IS a very definite, drastic, bold step NOT, to be taken lightly. But will doing this make me a better Christian? - well, hold on, that's the wrong way round!! You choose to be a bondman to BECOME a better Christian. My life certainly changed in major ways from 1999. Some was hardship. Sometimes getting confused(!) But ultimately I would certainly NOT be here writing this but for having taken this step.

Powerful message! I think it answered part of the email that I had sent you in regards to my confusion and stress.
also your writing of Repenting.. where in Luke it states
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

It made me look even at my job.. what is there within my job , day to day work that I have not repented of.. hmm do I maybe take time at work to do things I should not be doing. may be simple like reading the daily news on the internet etc.. you just got my heart stirring this morning Bondman.. and am I dying to all things to live totally for him.. wish had time to write more.. but just wanted to let you know.. God is using you in a mighty way Mr. Bondman!
Thankyou, hon! (And especially for 'upgrading' me to Mr! *hehe!)

Seriously though, first of all, into my 33rd year now of doing it really tough, I seem to have 'GOT' and thus gained a fair deal of Spiritual understanding, which, because I'm a born teacher, I just have to pass on cos I can't help myself. Anyone who gains from this makes me so JOYFUL I can't explain it!!!

Secondly, Spiritual knowledge has always MOVED me greatly. I take it into my life, and He makes it so strong that I feel it all so powerfully - and must teach it to others. There are thirdly, fourthly, fifthly, and more things here, but I just wanted to say those two.

Also to go back to something you said earlier that I didn't comment on - maybe cause I was so stunned by your words: that I am an amazing man of God. Stunned, as I'm not used to being called the last 3 words - you are the first! And I could not think what to say...

Now I will. It's a high compliment for someone to think and say that, and I sincerely thank you for that also. I remember being at just one meeting of a true man of God and woman of God who used to be working in China as Missionaries (until the Communists took over). This is way back in about 1958. They were both old by then, but the love of God shone out of them.

They well deserved the words I thought about them. I doubt that I do. But that doesn't mean we should not ALL aspire to first reach Spiritual maturity and then this further goal - before we go to be with Him! Not an easy task, but a most wonderful one!!

Bless you in your walk with Him, hearing, learning, taking on board and DOING!! I'm SO proud of you, dear heart!!!

- BM
Powerful message! I think it answered part of the email that I had sent you in regards to my confusion and stress.
also your writing of Repenting.. where in Luke it states
I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish."

It made me look even at my job.. what is there within my job , day to day work that I have not repented of.. hmm do I maybe take time at work to do things I should not be doing. may be simple like reading the daily news on the internet etc.. you just got my heart stirring this morning Bondman.. and am I dying to all things to live totally for him.. wish had time to write more.. but just wanted to let you know.. God is using you in a mighty way Mr. Bondman!

Yes, repenting! Indeed and indeed! Fail to repent and YOU'LL LIKEWISE PERISH, Jesus said. Have you noticed that it's NOT exactly the flavour of the month in today's churches, AND preaching, AND people's lives is it!! That's why I said to ask the Lord to REVEAL to you: (a) things you are currently doing wrong (b) things from the past you've forgotten or maybe never ever thought them to be "sin".

How can we hope to move ahead while there are things we've never confessed to the Lord as S-I-N SIN in our lives, and repented of (changed our mind about ever doing again)? Major blockage to growth if we fail on this.

God STILL reminds me of things I've sort of dismissed, parked in a reasonably inaccessible part of my brain/mind!! - that I need to repent of!!!

He promises us to be white as snow when He wipes out sins away at conversion. This is positional cleansing - our position before God. He literally sees us as pure WHITE when He looks at us in and through Jesus. But I want actual (real-life) cleansing in my life, to be being made cleaner and cleaner from sin with every passing month of living. And it's happening!! Hallelujah for that, and praises be to His glorious Name!!!!


- BM
He promises us to be white as snow when He wipes out sins away at conversion. This is positional cleansing - our position before God. He literally sees us as pure WHITE when He looks at us in and through Jesus. But I want actual (real-life) cleansing in my life, to be being made cleaner and cleaner from sin with every passing month of living. And it's happening!! Hallelujah for that, and praises be to His glorious Name!!!!

I love it .. real life cleansing.. I actually turned off my cell phone last night,can you believe it! I actually sat home last night.. can you believe it? I have a long overdue project for work , so I sat down and worked on it for 5 hours last night.. I still have 3 hours left just on the one piece .. I was not going to go out on bus this morning.. but hey I need to praise God for the 2 hours of doing his work... and I would have complete withdrawal if I was not out on those wheels this morning, plus one of the woman from the woman's group wants to come along to experience being on the streets with our Lord.

I drove to local park to have coffee this morning and gave praise for what I got done last night. It made me realize this is what I truly need to do.. turn off all distractions and bask in him. sit with him.

Every time I soak in my big ole claw tub- how cool and blessed it is to have. .. wait a minute! I wrote something awhile back.. hold on.. found it! Have a blessed day! got to go soak awhile before hitting the streeets! PS.. where have the two years gone?


It was early in the morning
I sat naked in the tub
Washing away all the
Grime and dirt from the previous day

The songs of praise music was playing
Loudly and vibrantly
I listened to the words
As they uplifted my heart
From inside to out

As the song played
I hugged my knees to my chest
And bowed my head
The tears began to fall
They dropped into the water below

Oh Jesus I cried!
Thank you for washing me
For washing away all of my sins
Of yesterday and today
You are so awesome

How I yearn to live like you
To walk with you
To know of the plans you have for me
I read about Eternity
How awesome it will be

I can feel you hugging me now
As I sit here nakedly
I ask you Dear Jesus to clean me
To make me anew

I am hungry and yearning for you
The past has been washed away
I am a mere breath here today
Keep showing me dear Lord
Where you want me to go

When I look to you Lord
I do have hope
I know I do not need to fear
Because when all is lost
I know you are here

As the water swirled down the drain
In rapid circles and swirls
Just as my past sins
Went away
As you wiped my slate clean

I am so thankful for you
I give thanks and praise to you
For the cleansing you give me
You never leave me
You never forsake me
I anxiously await to see your face
I can just imagine that day
That will come
Your hand reaching to me
Welcome home my child!

March 4, 2008
Blowed if I know where the 2 years have gone also, sweetie!

But your heartfelt poem was rather near the beginning wasn't it, and look at all that you knew by then. But then I suppose that's the twin aspects of our walk, isn't it? - what we know in our head, and what we've gotten into our life. Very different, hey!!

Yep, real life cleansing is what it's all about. Cleaner. Less sin. Growth in Christ. More righteousness and holiness. Deeper commitment to Jesus. More pleasing to our God. And more deep-down JOY from the Spirit because of all of these. Works for ME!!!

Turned your phone off?? At home alone last night?? Nar, sorry, can't believe them! *haha!* Doin' GREAT, hon!!!

Lotsa love!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #81


Is it Our Motivations or Our Attitudes? - Part 1

Those things within us that play a major role in where we are in our daily walk with the Lord - do you think it's our attitudes or our motivations that move us to do/be good, or do/be bad? And speaking of attitudes, I know you'll remember how Jesus categorically said that it's mighty difficult for a rich man to enter His Kingdom! Serious stuff!!!

So if you're quite rich then you're in big, big trouble, right? Mostly YES! But it IS possible for a rich man to have an attitude of "non-richness." So if we look at what it is that MOTIVATES him, we'll find him astonishingly different from the regular rich person. For example, greed will NOT be a motivation in his life so as to increase his riches. Nor will he be motivated by the "I want MORE" Syndrome which along with naked greed is rife in the whole of our societies.

Imagine just for a moment that you are rich. What would your motivations be? What would be driving your life? To answer that in a simple way, sit quietly for a moment and carefully consider this - what things would you like right now if you had the cash? I'm serious! Please stop reading NOW and consider things you wish you had. Okay, got a couple in your mind? Alright then, you've worked out some personal motivations which you have within yourself.

And of course you and I ARE RICH - quite beyond belief to this Indian family - and a couple of billion others like them, and worse.

Photo courtesy

To me our riches are sickening - just a very tiny proportion of the world lives the rich life like we do. So it is indeed DIFFICULT for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven: Jesus said that, not me. Because your RICHES are in the way. More on this below.

Here's a true story of a man who reminds me exactly of us. He was rich just like us and he asked the same things we all have. He came to Jesus and said: "What do I need to DO to get eternal life?" Jesus answered, Go to church every Sunday, tithe, give some extra to missions.... NO!! HE DIDN'T SAY THAT AT ALL!!! He said: "Keep Moses' Commandments." "But I've kept them all since I was young," the man protested. It's quite clear this had not worked for him - to give him the peace he wanted in his life.

"Alright then," Jesus responded, totally aware that the man's riches were seriously getting in the way, "Let me tell you what you're missing. First of all, go sell everything you have. Give all the proceeds of that to the poor. Second, come follow me!" Because we are all rich like this man, the Lord is speaking to us today, "It's really hard for you to get into heaven. Your riches ARE a blockage! - blocking you right now!!!"

It was after this that Jesus said TWICE about it being: "..easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew Ch 19:24. And you could be excused for feeling just like the disciples were about this whole thing! "Who can be saved then?" they asked, quite STUNNED at what they'd seen and heard.

Perhaps a tad enigmatically Jesus replied, "Things that are impossible with man are possible with God." Luke Ch 18:27. So what to do?

Answers in Part 2 ...

- BM, with his Lady


All About Us at the Moment!!!

Goodness, it's all really hard to believe!! Our life is slowly falling apart - no, make that not so slowly!

So sorry I'm late with this. Doc has ordered one more test for me cos I'm still in trouble. If that shows nothing then he's said he's stumped! (That's Chronic Fatigue for ya!!)

Okay, you know that for many, many years Beloved has been the 'legs' of the family, my body being too 'weak' to do even simple physical. But that's changing at an increasing rate of knots - which in turn changes the deal in a major way. I've told you this before, but her fingers, wrists, arms, and shoulders are so subject to appalling pain that it's made life so hard for her. Almost "all of a sudden" she can hardly do anything at all - as it creates more pain than she can handle - lasting for hours, or even days after that! And trust me, she's handled quite a deal of pain every day of her life since about age 7.


We're already having to get other people to do things she's having to give up - correction, HAS given up. We've always been aware that if my poor Darling's messed up body were to get significantly worse, then we were in big trouble!! We've now entered the time of "big trouble."

Where does the money come from to pay someone to do the things she's had to give up? Don't know!! I've yet to try our Care Provider to see if the Govt. can help. But that's just basically band-aiding! FACT: considering that this may come one day, I would have expected to die before it came (with my ill-health and age this should already have happened) so then I'd not be writing this! *hehe, not writing it for TWO reasons!!*

So is GOD bringing this on at this time in connection with people of faith praying for our total healing? I have to strongly suspect so!!! Our humanity seems to say that if it appears to be serious we'll pray seriously and earnestly! Otherwise we'll pray at a 'lower level' (or even stop).


In one sense we don't need prayer for healing, and for our ministry funds. I prayed earnestly for many years, and God ultimately told me He'd heard and answered - but I had to wait. But I did not really expect to wait this long! Now all of a sudden it's changing fast for us, and the timing is: just when more and more we're encouraging people of FAITH to 'gather together' to pray seriously... until God answers!!! Interesting? - I think it is!!

So to my mind there's a quite strong possibility that prayer for us may be much more for all of YOU than for us!!!! Can you see what I'm getting at? If 20 or 40 or more people from TWO forums successfully pray for TWO miracles from God that actually get answered - imagine how you'll feel!!! You'd be over the moon - and realise that if this is possible ONCE, then it can be done again - and again!!! And I'll tell you straight up that if that can be achieved it will make our continued health struggles MORE THAN WORTH IT!!!! *heavenly smile!!*

The work is there to be done!! We are in trouble, BIG trouble. God's not yet done what He's promised me. But we CAN ask Him to HASTEN it. Will YOU be seriously and earnestly part of this - requesting an early healing and early funds for us? With both of those we can affect thousands and thousands of lives. AND WILL!!

God bless and guide you as you earnestly consider this!

- BM
Reaching Higher #82


Is it Our Motivations or Our Attitudes? - Part 2

... Concluded from Part 1

It's hard for the rich to enter God's Kingdom and we are all rich! "Who then can be saved?" the shocked disciples asked Jesus. INDEED! It's easy enough for me to tell you - but it's sure not so easy to DO! I know - because we've done it. What you need, same as the rich man, is a change of attitude leading to a change in what motivates you concerning that you WANT. The rich man failed in both - and went away sorrowful. Be very CAREFUL, or exactly the same could happen to you!!!

I earnestly hope this will NOT sound prideful - used solely as an example. Ask me what things do I want that I don't have. Nothing. Nothing at all. We're relatively poor by the standards of our society, live as simply as we can, and I don't pine for anything we don't HAVE. I've put a wonderful passage below that is WELL worth reading every verse!! Please DO! One verse from it expresses a great attitude: But if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content (satisfied). I Timothy Ch 6:8

But it's very true that I DO want things for OTHERS - NOT for me. (Did I say I hope this ISN'T sounding prideful?? *wry smile*) We want to bless a great number of others before meeting the Lord face to face! Maybe that's foolishness... But we earnestly seek our Charity funds released from the grip of those powerful and evil bankers, and our bodies completely healed FOR THIS TASK.

When God sends our funds we could take a small portion of them for ourselves, making us overnight multi-millionaires!! Will we do that? NO WAY!!! Such would be the very self-centeredness I'm always talking about here, and therefore gross SIN. We've chosen our life-course before God and for God. But won't I be just a little bit tempted? No, I'm quite disinterested in material things - except those I can use for Him and others.

Because note this well: we identified some of your personal motivations in Part 1. Say you reward' yourself with a bigger, better car. That's okay, isn't it? Well, when Jesus is judging our WORKS (what we do), whether good or bad - guess which side THAT choice will go on!! And so your eternal REWARD you receive will be LESS. Add in a dozen more selfish materialistic purchases and down goes your REWARD more!! You had the car for a microsecond of time and lost wonderful things for the whole of eternity!!! YOUR choice...

Finally, improve your attitudes and personal motivations and the PEACE of heart and mind and life that Jesus promised will increase! I have deep-down heart-peace that NOTHING can affect. I'm sure some of that is from CHOOSING to be unworldly, unmaterialistic, with works centered on God and others. You CAN be the same - truly!!! Start with changing your ATTITUDE!! - and the rest will likely follow!!!

- BM, with his Lady


The Apostle of Paul to Timothy:

6 Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
8 And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
9 But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

The Good Confession

11 But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.
12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. I Timothy Ch 6
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