THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Hi, hon!

Thankyou for your comments about Reaching Higher #73. It was truly fascinating to then read about your experiences! Talk about God illustrating His truth!! The oft-used, "Don't talk the talk, but walk the walk!" is unfortunately only too true in the situations you wrote about. How sad!! But they illustrate only too strongly our Godly responsibilities to not lead people astray with nice words, but instead ensure they know the full TRUTH, so they can at least decide in a fully informed way what road they will take.

Once persecution of the Western church starts in earnest (which may be a lot closer than we think) that will very soon sort the sheep (God's true Christian people) from the goats (the nominal Christians). Until then the STRONGER we become by accepting hardship like Paul did, the more able we'll be to withstand persecution AND help others to do the same.

There's a clarion call I'm hearing more and more in my spirit: "Time to get really really serious - by discovering the real truths of His Word, and starting to truly live them!" I am discovering new things myself; so are you. I pray earnestly that many others here are doing the same!!

You're right, we do not judge them. But we MUST spiritually assess people, perhaps humanly at first, plus growing in discernment - a gift from the Spirit - else how can we know what is needed to help them, provided they are helpable?

Bless you in all of your doings, dear heart! Not an easy road - but it's the ONLY ROAD!!!

- BM
Bless you in all of your doings, dear heart! Not an easy road - but it's the ONLY ROAD!!!
A totally awesome road.. so much better than where I was at.. amazing I got a call from a father this morning asking if I could please call and talk with his daughter who got benched in a high school basketball game last night for her attitude. I gave her a ring and talked with her and prayed with her also explaining in God's word we do need to submit to authority first God, then of course her coach. She was appreciative that I had called.
I had to hold back when talking with the father, because she truly does get some of her traits from him.. I have seen and heard conversations he has with her in regards to many things. However when the time is right I will share with him my observations.

Anywhoooo I got to get to work, I got up and went to the gym this morning, it is high time I allow God to work on the health of this temple.. have a super mighty spirit filled blessed day!

You certainly are at a place that's a LONG way from where you started, dear one!! And I'm still VERY proud of you!!!

Our past may have things that are attractive when we look back. But being dead in your sins whether you realise it or not is a truly awful way to live. So NOW is good, but I look to tomorrow to be better, and the day after that better still.

It's a journey, but I like 'adventure' best of all, because there's always the wonder of the next thing He shows you, or the next thing He brings you to. Most true adventures have some good times, some scary times, and some very difficult times. Otherwise it's NOT a true adventure!!

Even then, though, the adventurer will still always love it when he gets home! There's no place like home, and I am waiting with the thrill of high expectation to finally get HOME! - and live forever with my Dad and Big Brother!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #74


Tell the TRUTH - Part 1

There are two major areas we'll look at where this applies:


He knows you a million times better than you do, and knew all of this way, way before you were even born. So please aim at becoming totally honest with Him. Think He doesn't already KNOW what you think and feel anyway? Maybe you're angry at Him for some reason. Of course, you can shut down, and say nothing. Far better is to tell Him what you're feeling! Just say it! Talk to your Heavenly Dad who loves you to distraction! He'll listen. Spell it all out to Him. You'll ultimately feel better for being open and honest with Him - and He'll help you with the problem as well!! Meantime you've considerably improved your closeness with Him!!

Work towards really being yourself with the Lord your God. This will greatly help your Spiritual growth, if for no other reason than that He's now got a much more open person to work with!! Now that is GOOD!! Do remember that He - God - is constantly at work in you. Yup, that's YOU, okay!! For we are His workmanship Ephesians Ch 2:10a says. And also: For it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you. Philippians Ch 2:13a. I gotta tell you that the thought of Him constantly at work in me to make me more and more like His Son excites me out of my brain!!

I just love how we keep quiet about something we don't want to say to the Lord, like, as if we can keep it a secret from HIM provided we say nothing!!! Pretty foolish pretending, eh!! Yet we stil do it! So I hold nothing in these days. Between He and I it's about as open a book as I'm going to manage in this life here on earth. It's certainly a great way to go, which in the end will make you feel so much more comfortable with the Lord, and give you a lot of personal relaxation.

And I admit having told God off in the past. Said exactly with I felt!! In one way I'm sorry that I did; yet in another way I'm not. Did He immediately throw me out on my ear for this? No, NO!! Later though, when I was over my 'mad', I seriously apologised and repented - because ultimately we have to be very very RESPECTFUL towards the One Who is GOD over all!

Continued in Part 2... with a lot of practical help with personal lying - and some quite new things I think will surprise you greatly. Do not miss it!!

Lots of love to you all!!

- BM

work towards really being yourself with the Lord your God. This will greatly help your Spiritual growth, if for no other reason than that He's now got a much more open person to work with!! Now that is GOOD!! Do remember that He - God - is constantly at work in you. Yup, that's YOU, okay!! For we are His workmanship Ephesians Ch 2:10a says. And also: For it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you. Philippians Ch 2:13a. I gotta tell you that the thought of Him constantly at work in me to make me more and more like His Son excites me out of my brain!!

Love it! I am sure by doing this, he will reveal to me more and more who I really am.. isn't that strange that there are many a days that I am still not quite sure who I am.. weird! .. I was just asked tonight about what I love to do.. well of course write, do street ministry.. but the other aspects of my life. well I am not really quite sure, nor really have explored to much.. now there is an interesting thought..

Oh, good one, hon!

Yes, there's always so much more for us to learn - to me, that's part of the adventure! You've done so well to now, and I'm confident in the Lord Jesus that you'll continue to do so.

Many blessings and hugs!

- BM

Reaching Higher #75


Tell the TRUTH - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1


WARNING: I do hope not, but some folks with sensitive spirits may find some of below unusual and uncomfortable, even though Scripture based.

I've heard it reported that we tell an average of 15 lies every day. You may think you're a truthful person, but I'm going to seriously query that - exactly the way I QUERIED MYSELF not all that many years ago. What I discovered absolutely appalled me!!! No one would have called me a bad person at that time. Nonetheless I was lying all over the place - and by that I mean NOT strictly telling THE TRUTH. THAT'S where the trap is. You don't think you're disobeying God's command to not lie, because you've LEARNT how to do it in such a way as to convince yourself it's okay. But it's NOT!!

EXAMPLE: Your spouse didn't want you to buy it in the first place because it cost too much. You went ahead anyway. Back home she asks you how much it cost, which was $129.95 - basically $130. "Oh, not much over a hundred," you say casually, promptly disappearing into your office. You DID NOT TELL HER THE TRUTH in this situation! You weren't game to - so you LIED!! And THAT is how we learn to lie, yet convinced that we do not!

But there's more. There's wilful lying by omission - and I do emphasise "wilful". Along with the expenditure of 130 bucks, you actually added an extra 3 years Warranty onto it for another $25. You just 'HAPPENED' not to mention this! So the 'not much over a hundred' basically cost $155!!! I think you get the idea. And if you start checking yourself out, you'll find there are so many things you can begin to work on right now to obey our wonderful God by stopping LYING!!

Okay then, what about white lies? "Darling, does this skirt make my butt look bigger?" The question we guys all wish would never happen! Saying "No" will mostly feel like the safest, and so we do - even though it's maybe NOT THE TRUTH. But how could you tell the truth? Well, this is part of your relationship- working on being OPEN with your spouse. Telling the truth, yet being nice about it. My answer may have gone like this: "Hmm... maybe a little - but I must admit I do like it," (because I actually DO, or I wouldn't say that!) Or it may have gone this way - as I ask her: "Do you think it does, Sweetie?" "Well, maybe a little." "I don't know, you could be right. Show me again from the front. Oh, I do like that! Now the back again. Well, frankly, I think you look great!"

ALL of this would be absolutely truthful between us. But if I really DID think it emphasised that 'back part,' it may have gone this way: "Swing round to the front, Hon. Okay, that looks good. Now the back again. Hmm... are you worried that it's not all that wonderful?" "To be honest, yes, I am." "Y'know, I think you may be right. Shame though, cos I really like it overall." The skirt goes back, I never lied, and we still have a marriage!!! *smile!*

Quite a time ago when my Dad had died, and my dear Mum was in a Nursing Home with partial Alzheimers, it was pretty tough! I did tell lies in a situation like this when the white lie seemed like the best and kindest.If it truly IS, then I don't believe God would condemn us for doing the best thing for another. HOWEVER, please don't use this as an excuse - for many times even while lies can be easily avoided. Thus, when she asked, "Will Dad come to see me soon?" I'd reply quietly, "I don't think so Dear. Look why don't we go downstairs and see if Mrs. Jones is there," taking her hand as I said this. As she'd automatically get up, I'd continue, "You really like her don't you?" "Yes!" "Okay, then, let's go!" So no lying, white or otherwise!

Sometimes we tell a straight-out lie to get around when we're asked a question that we DO NOT want to answer. Most of us think that we HAVE to answer every question we're asked. WE DON'T!! There's no obligation to reply if we don't wish to. That is our prerogative. However, not answering can be awful awkward!! So INSTEAD OF LYING, we need to learn how to work around this! TRUTH: Jesus did NOT answer if He didn't want to!! They brought the woman caught in adultery to Him saying she should be stoned, and to test him, asked, "What do you say?" What did He reply? Well, NOTHING! Instead he bent down and started writing on the ground. Don't you love it!!

That may well have stopped them, but it didn't. They persisted, so He replied - but please NOTE: NOT with a direct answer to their question (as we would)! Oh no!! Instead: "Whoever's without sin, you throw the first rock at her." He could have easily asked that as a direct question - because answering a question WITH a question often will stop the question you don't wish to answer. For example: "So are any of you completely without sin?" would probably have stopped them. A very good question to put back is often something like, "Why do you ask?" They then have to answer YOU. If they persist and repeat their question (not all that likely), you can still say, "You still haven't told me why you're asking."

Let's NOT lose sight of what this is all about - STOPPING sinning against our GOD by LYING! You are NOT doing anything wrong to the other person. Fact is, if you're going to manage to NOT LIE, then you need to know some of the things above so you CAN succeed!! Oh, one other, but it's not easy: at least three times in the Gospels Jesus perfectly heard the question, but did NOT answer! Let's all go for a lie-free future, to please our Lord!!

- BM, with his Lady

Let's all go for a lie-free future, to please our Lord!!

Oh I am loving this message! Just this week, a friend of mine called early AM asking for prayers for his daughter who is on a basketball team and got benched because of her attitude and I guess she got quite mouthy. They are in the playoffs. Friday night was to be the championship game and she may not get to play. I prayed with him and then called the daughter to talk to her about her attitude and how Jesus would be. In the meantime I am thinking how he talks with her and encourages this "go kill em" attitude when it comes to her sport. No wonder she gets the way she does.

I prayed with her and she texted me later to say she felt better. I went to the game with him last nite. On the way there, he started talking about her and her attitude and such.. God opened the door and I shared with him my observations on how he is and how his attitude is.. I thought he is going to hate me! But I knew in my heart for their to be growth , he had to hear the truth.
He had said she probably won't get to play.. really? do you know the same Lord I know was my response? I stated relax.. after all it is just a game.. a time for the girls to have fun, enjoy their sport and use their talents.. He said he gets so worked up he wants to puke sometimes! I thought get a grip man.. I prayed before we got out of the car for him to allow God to enjoy the game.. Well , ending of the story.. she got to play, she had a great attitude, and they won the championship game.. Now I could have not told him the truth, what I observed and he would just go on being the way he was with his daughter.

When we arrived home, I prayed again with him before I got out of the car that the Lord would help both him and I being single parents to have our lives in all ways reflect Jesus, so our chillren may see that and want it more and more.

At my seminar last week, the gentleman said we must be real with people. We must tell them what we really feel. Well there is this woman at work who thinks she is a health nut.. we had a birthday party and when a friend of her's went to get a piece of cake, she was like real catty and said "that is a half hour on the treadmill, and she made another comment to someone else and later when I went to get a second piece of cake (which I knew I totally did not need).. she made like this gasping noise..
I am in prayer as to how to share with her gently, that when she approaches people publicly at work for what they are eating and such, that behind her back , they are talking negative about her. But I need to be "real" with her and let her see what she is doing.. it is causing disention amongst the office.
If I am not real with the people when they say something or ask me something, then who I am truly helping? No I am hurting them.. So whether not being real or telling the little white lie.. it all catches up to us in the end..

I had a very good friend, who would always answer back with a question.. now I understand some of it more. I think part of it was to say anything hurtful.. but honestly some of it was to avoid the deep questions that were being asked of that person.

Your messages are awesome Bondman! No snow here.. sunshine today, great day for street ministry and sharing the love!
and my daughter called and she is driving 2 1/2 hours to see me tomorrow and I am going to the baptism of the little guy who's mom came onto the bus when she was 3 months pregnant.. she has come a long way.. little Robbie is adorable..

Have a great day
Wow, hon, that was all rather interesting!

Our relationships sure are complex things. And we're all so incredibly different, plus experiences modify those differences as we go along! Hey, it's a wonder we get on with ANYBODY!! *hehe!*

Sometimes, as you did, we have to keep our mouth closed. It's not the right time! That's discernment I reckon, a wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. Love comes into that too, because somehow or other I think we become more sensitive to the needs and attitudes and feelings of others the more we love them - with agape!! Oh yeah!!!

Your life is such an encouragement to me, dear one!!

Hugs! - and enjoy your daughter and the baptism!!

- BM

TIMELINE: NOW. Beloved's hormones are slowly improving. "Thankyou Lord!!" But she's having her usual dreadful problems with pain, and the rest of it... She's then also had the job of taking care of me and my tummy for the past 4 days! Massive problem, like a tummy bug, but worse, stopped me eating as my stomach couldn't handle it AT ALL. This for a man who needs food every 2 to 3 hours to keep him alive! So it's taken all of her wisdom and understanding of the human body and its needs to get me through - self-taught, and I'm still alive, and also slowly improving so is she good or is she good!!! Actually, no, I would honestly say she's brilliant! (and I mean that.)

Monday week myself, my carer, plus Beloved and her carer take moi to get my head and innards CT scanned. Why all of them? - well my carer is not allowed to put (lift) my manual wheelchair into her car for at the Test place. So my Love's carer does it. But then Beloved is not allowed to come with me in my carers car, so 2 cars have to go as well. What a waste of public money that nonsense is on the part of my Care Provider!

TIMELINE: COMING. I am getting more and more desperate to get started on our next Ministry. I want those millions from the bank in Europe to come to our Christian Charity's bank account to start to help ministering to those who do not even know the name of Jesus, and to help care for them with food, clean water, clothing - the basic needs of life.

All of this through Gospel for Asia ( of course, but I could quite easily not be here (or my Love) to run the Charity without our total healing God's promised me - along with that necessary money. It's doing absolutely no good sitting in the bank, right, but the real rulers of the world (Illuminati or whoever they are) are very powerful and we have to pray to God to force them to release it (with a great lot for many others, including Christians and other Christian Organisations - billions altogether).

Prayer for this kind of serious matter and matters may seem hard. Nope! See Him as the great God He is, let this grow your faith, and just ask Him simply for the things above. Many, many souls will get to heaven, plus do better while here by praying like that.

WE JUST NEED PRAYER. That's all! WE are all ready and fully geared up to do all of the rest!

Thanks for love, caring, and praying on behalf of those we will be able to minister to for Jesus' sake!!!

- BM and his Lady
Reaching Higher #76


Using and Reading the Bible RIGHT - Part 1

This may sound rather obvious, but please hang in with me: FIRST of all, we must carefully look in the Bible to discover the truth that's there in His Word. Truly SEEING what's there!! Why? Because this will become the truth you'll live by. You may not be aware that many do it the other way round. Thus sects and untruth in churches easily springs up when they do it the WRONG way!! Here's an example of things that current-day churches DO or HAVE DONE in the past!!!

FIRST of all someone conceives an idea,and THEN they go looking for evidence of it in the Scriptures. And there's so much there that they'll certainly succeed!! Maybe they'll take some verses out of context. Over-stress a few others (a popular one). Totally and wilfully misunderstand Scripture. Even make up a new expression that sounds very "spiritual", and quote Old Testament verses that have no relevance to us today. And so on. It's just too, too easy.

Interestingly, Godless, and strongly anti-God scientists do exactly the same!! FIRST of all, decide on some supposed truth, like the Evolution myth. Okay, now we have to find (read: manufacture) some evidence to support this "truth" we've decided on. What dreadful intellectually dishonesty. Yet you may believe things that have been taught to you as Bible truth that were done exactly the same way!!


Thus if you believe what's told or preached to you WITHOUT ever checking it out, then it's certain you will be believing some untruths - and YES I did say CERTAIN! ! - maybe even SERIOUS ones!! You MUST READ YOUR BIBLE!! Find a translation that works for you (on Bible Gateway, for example - won't even cost you a penny!)

Read the Gospel of John. Read Acts. Read Ephesians. Read 1 John. Then start at Matthew and read right through with a simple translation like The New Living Bible (It's on Bible Gateway). Later do exactly the same with the study Bible of your choice, where the more you read, the more you'll understand, PLUS remember verses that later you will be able to search for - and FIND!

I started out with the King James Version but changed to the Amplified Bible ages ago. However, I still think of verses in the KJV because I started there, and then look them up in the KJV!! So start with the right version early. If you're SERIOUS about learning what God is saying in His Word (and you better be!!!), then get a good Study Bible like the Amplified, which will EXPAND things from the original Greek - to help you understand more - which other translations do not. I most highly recommend it!


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to you before you read. That's not hard, hey! Be aware that without Him in your life, you'll never ever get a hold of the truth (He came to live within you at your conversion to Christ). The more He is active in your life the better will be your understanding for the Scriptures.

Please be aware also that there are things you will read that you will somehow not "see". This seems to be from at least two things. FIRST, something you already believe that's actually wrong, you WILL read the words of the actual TRUTH - but it won't necessarily sink in!!! SECOND, the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives is a matter of Spiritual growth: the better you get to ALLOW Him to work in your life the more the Scriptures will become alive and real to you.


Maybe it's some of those things that stop people reading the ONLY GUIDEBOOK we really need for the whole of our lives here on earth!! Now here's the next thing: Satan will do everything he can to STOP you reading the Bible - and he succeeds at that an awful lot of the time! But you can stop him dead in his tracks by speaking to the Lord (NOT to the devil) from James Ch 4:7b Resist the devil and he will flee from you. How simple is that!! Just say, "Lord, I resist the devil according to Your word, and he WILL flee from me. Thankyou!" Then go ahead and read the Word of God WITH the Holy Spirit's help!

- BM, with his Lady

Which Way to Go?

Church-goers mostly learn what they believe from preachers, pastors, etc., i.e., from their church.

But some are not satasified to learn just this way. They want to be certain that they know the TRUTH - and more or less take things into their own hands.

We explore these two means in Part 2 of the above Message, I get a PERSONAL SHOCK, and we end with 3 incredibly important things we all need to do!! (Tomorrow here; later today for most of you! *hee!*)

Jesus' Love,

- BM
Reaching Higher #77


Using and Reading the Bible RIGHT - Part 2

... Continued from Part 1


Recently I've been looking at a few threads here, including one that contained a deal of Scriptural error. I mostly didn't contradict anyone, as is my normal practice - but eventually I did. I wrote fairly similarly to here, but not surprisingly was fairly promptly told where I was wrong!! I realised the poster was a member of the big church, and sadly, from the most error-ridden part of it. Understandably he rejected what I'd said that was contrary to his beliefs - and that's when it struck me...almost like a bomb going off!!

At the beginning we join a local church. After years of listening to preaching a member knows the doctrine of that church extremely well! And he's happy with it, right - or else he'd have left! So when someone (like me!!) writes something different from what they believe: FIRSTLY, it may upset them - understandable. But SECONDLY they set about PURELY gathering evidence to prove that I'm wrong, but they're right. THIRDLY, they have not listened to what I (or anyone else) have said, being too busy showing where I/we are WRONG.


Now this is NOT an open mind - which I consider an absolute essential for every true Believer. Rather it's a MIND that is sadly stuck on what they've been taught over a long period, and belonging to someone who does NOT seek the truth, but rather, whether right or wrong, is determined to defend to the death what they've been taught!! Are they FEARFUL of something that's different to their long-held beliefs? Perhaps they are!!

QUESTION: How can we POSSIBLY find GOD'S ACTUAL TRUTH if we: a) don't keep an open mind, b) are fearful of change, and c) no matter what, always have to defend what we already believe? What blew me away was the sudden revelation that I'm SO BLESSED OF GOD to not "need" to be part of any of that. Thus I don't teach here the doctrine and practice of ANY church. Just what the Holy Spirit has shown and confirmed tome from the Scriptures over a long period.


Furthermore, I'm not afraid of any new truth - but rather am a truth-seeker, and just love to find new truth!!! Neither am I stuck on any particular doctrine. A friend here recently wrote in a post about the Biblical relationship between water and the Holy Spirit, giving a NT example. I thought the example failed to show the relationship and told her I'd never seen this in the Scriptures. She said there was a better Scripture and she'd try and find it. I said, "Great!"

It took quite a time but back she came with it. I read it, checked it out - and was astonished that I'd never seen it - but she was right! I embraced this new truth immediately, cos IF IT'S TRUE THEN IT'S TRUE!!! Why, why, why do people dig their toes in and determinedly defend something you've just CLEARLY (and lovingly) shown them from the Scriptures IS True - just because it's not what they've believed. That simply makes no sense to me. We DO all need to be TRUTH-SEEKERS!!!


Thus I see how blessed I am, that 1) God made me as a truth-seeker, 2) and gave me an open mind, and 3) also the ability to change to new truth virtually on the spot (which I do realise is not usual). You may not have been born with all of these, but you can still do your best to DEVELOP THEM - because you can trust me that we ALL need all THREE of them - real bad!!!

- BM, with his Lady

We can't expect God to speak now,
if we don't care to know what He said before.

Reaching Higher #78


Hearing God Speak to You - Part 1

I'm sure you'll have read about, or heard people say, "God said to me..." or, "God spoke to me and said..." But maybe this is not your experience at all - and that you actually find it quite difficult to hear from God. If so, then you're in good company!!! In the West at least, I think it's the exception rather than the rule concerning those who may hear God actually speaking to them in their mind (VERY few ever hear an audible voice).

And straight up, I'm going to say to you: please do NOT compare yourself with the "spectacular" ones who God seems to tell this and that to many times. This is rare, and in some, maybe even many cases, is simply not real anyway. In your daily walk with the Lord, IT'S VERY IMPORTANT to keep in mind AT ALL TIMES: that the devil can duplicate every Spiritual gift - and I believe far more often than we realise. Sad, but true! And therefore you just must take great care about comparing your Spiritual abilities with others.

His Holy Word is a great place for God to truly speak to you. After all He wrote it all (through others), and the Holy Spirit in you is there to help you to understand it! So before you read, pray to the Lord God this HEARTFELT prayer: "Lord, I need Your Spirit to help me! Please, please speak to me from Your Word." This sort of prayer He just LOVES!!

I've been through numbers of different combinations and permutations in hearing from God over the past 50 years or so. Some time soon I really MUST share with you some of the totally AMAZING ones!! Nonetheless, at the moment, once again I seem to be in a stage of sort of 'restarting' how I hear Him speak to me - and not finding it particularly easy!! Did I say you are in good company?!!

I must tell you that I somewhat differentiate between "hearing Him speak to me" and knowing His will - i.e., what He wants me to do. I can and do know His will for me day by day, including specifics like knowing what He wants me to write a message about (such as this one! *grin!*), but for me that's not quite the same thing as hearing Him personally speak to me. I don't know if that makes any sense...

Best advice I can give you is to persist, NEVER give up, ensure you repent of all sin and do all you can to be obedient to Him at all times. Grow your relationship with Him by reading His Word and reading Messages here that you've not yet read - and ensure you work towards putting into practice in your life all that you read!!!

Finally, DON'T TRY TOO HARD!! (or you'll simply get in the way of it happening!!)Instead: 1) Ask Him to speak to you 2) Trust, then TRUST some more that He will! 3) You need to be desperate to hear Him!! 4) Then wait for Him to do it!!!

Love each one of you here!!!

Continued in Part 2 ...

- BM, with his Lady

Finally, DON'T TRY TOO HARD!! (or you'll simply get in the way of it happening!!)Instead: 1) Ask Him to speak to you 2) Trust, then TRUST some more that He will! 3) You need to be desperate to hear Him!! 4) Then wait for Him to do it!!!

Great messages Bondman.. I am doing well just sorting through so much. I just had this conversation with my good Christian sister. and really don't we all get desperate now and then? I don't care if you have been a Christian and walking with him forever, there are still moments events that we desperately need to hear from him.

I truly do love your messages.. just last night my gilfriend and I ended up at the Sons of God Motorcycle church- Church in the Wind.. it was amazing how we ended up there . I had met Pastor Matt before.. it was just a tiny little space but the presence of the Lord was truly felt. It is so wonderful to have let go of the "religion" and live a life for Jesus. .. knowing it is my personal relationship with him that matters and is number one.

Yesterday at a big business meeting. God opened the door for me to share of his love and the need to love others.. At the end one man was leaving who had lost his job awhile back and I said Hey Peter how's that job hunting going. still looking I said come here a minute.. there was another man beside me that I learned that day was a strong Chrisitan.. I said may I pray for you? He looked bewildered and said sure.. so right there in the Western New York Healthcare Association this man received much needed prayer.

I get in my car to come back to my facility.. and get a call from my oldest son Travis.. he was on a conference call for work and they announced they were cutting the whole sales force.. so as I am driving down the 90 interstate i start praying with my son.. I reminded him of scripture if we even have faith as smalll as a mustard seed God will move the mountains.. The mountains in many lives look huge to the people.. think about the ones that would get this type of news and do not know who Jesus is.. they are hurting, they are lost and have no idea.. every day they wake up in confusion agnony etc.. but those of us who know the Lord.. we wake up.. we may start to have some of the same thoughts.. but then we breathe and realize Jesus has it all, he has me in the palm of his hand, he will provide for me.. Ok.. just a bit of rambling.

Last night I had a half hour of sitting in my car with my Chrisitan sister and I had a desperate half hour. I was crying out to God to heal me of those things from my past that continue to hinder my walk with him.. I kept telling her we can't look back in the rearview mirror we got to move forward.. but I remembered your messages on how to ask him to show us those things that we buried.. I got to tell you I was sobbing and shaking, and praying.. there was such a calm and peace about me..

Oh let's add in the fact.. that when I came out of the church last night and checked my cell, can you imagine there was a text from the past.. I AM DONE WITH THAT! I mean let's get real.. Jesus has a plan for me and more ultimate than I ever could design.. so today I walk in the light.. today I go forth to the streets to share the news of him.. the only one that if everything was stripped away from us he is all we need!

I love you brother.. and PS. a big hug to the Mrs.. he is healing you both.. I believe it in my heart..
Hi hon! I like your 'rambling', so don't stop!!

I believe it's a challenge to each of us to read about your days, where through you God's love flows to others. Most of us are all blocked up - whether by fear, or lack of commitment or love, makes no difference. You are out there looking to care about others. That's how agape works. Or to put it another way, if it's not happening then something's wrong with the agape in our lives. Thankyou for constantly challenging us.

WE NEED JESUS!! Just like you said! Our Christian lives cannot even begin to work without Him. We will never have real FREEDOM until He's seriously IN out lives! We have no power unless He's Lord of, and over, our lives.

I'm pretty much stuck right here in a power wheelchair. I see only a few carers and we're forbidden to speak to them of God, just as they are forbidden to speak to us of their religion (I had to report one for this: a new-ager determined to convince me of her evils. What concerned me so greatly was her doing this to others who could not withstand her strong words.)

We have to share the Gospel of Jesus. Getting others into God's Kingdom here on earth through Him, where they may repent of their sins against the Father, and get CLEANED UP by His shed blood!

We have to CARE FOR OTHERS, especially other Believers, for in doing this we minister to Jesus Himself. Matthew 25:31-40.

Love you too, dear sister of mine. Yes, via the love of your and others' prayers we will see His miracle healing of us soon, so we may start OUR work, as above, adding to yours!! Sounds great to ME!!

- BM


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UPDATE - Especially for Sunday (Monday Here)

Been trying to get the CT scans of my head and abdomen done for ages. Haven't managed to get there. Tomorrow we hope to crack it: 2 cars, 2 carers, 2 of us and 1 wheelchair hopefully will go and get the task done!!

But it's gonna be hard to manage cos my tummy is upset again (during the night and today) *sigh!*

Prayer will be MUCH appreciated!!

I continue to wait upon the Lord to bring full healing to us both. Thankyou SO MUCH for standing with us!!! With all our love!

- BM and his Beloved


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I'm pretty much stuck right here in a power wheelchair. I see only a few carers and we're forbidden to speak to them of God, just as they are forbidden to speak to us of their religion (I had to report one for this: a new-ager determined to convince me of her evils. What concerned me so greatly was her doing this to others who could not withstand her strong words.)

We have to share the Gospel of Jesus. Getting others into God's Kingdom here on earth through Him, where they may repent of their sins against the Father, and get CLEANED UP by His shed blood!

You may be "stuck" there in that chair.. but my goodnesss.. you touch hundreds of lives, right from Gertie! You are an amazing man of God.. I am praying for your trip out tomorrow.
God bless
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