THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Blessings to you and your Beloved. I sensed just a bit of resignation in your message but then felt your strength in the Lord come back strong. I do believe in the complete healing power of God but I also know many don't achieve that until their blessed reunion with the Lord. Your work has been strong in spite (or maybe because) of your illness. I believe God has sent His blessings to you in that way but believe that He will also send relief.

My prayers will intensify and specifically I will be praying for complete healing for you and Mrs. B in this coming year of 2010 so that separation will not be necessary. So glad to hear that your Beloved is doing better.

Love and God Bless.
I too will intensify my prayers for the both of you.

God is good! 6 Women showed up for the Women's Support group tonight! God blessed the evening and it was a very interesting one indeed!

God Bless you Bondman.. did you ever think when I first came here seeking him and his answers for me, that he used you to disciple me so I could go forth and start a women's support group in my home?

Now that blows my socks off!
Blessings to you and your Beloved. I sensed just a bit of resignation in your message but then felt your strength in the Lord come back strong. I do believe in the complete healing power of God but I also know many don't achieve that until their blessed reunion with the Lord. Your work has been strong in spite (or maybe because) of your illness. I believe God has sent His blessings to you in that way but believe that He will also send relief.

My prayers will intensify and specifically I will be praying for complete healing for you and Mrs. B in this coming year of 2010 so that separation will not be necessary. So glad to hear that your Beloved is doing better.

Love and God Bless.

I feel so blessed to have met a brother like you! Your love and care is amazing, and so tangible!!

It wasn't 'resignation' in the first part. We've always lived in reality, being a major reason why we're still able to be living more or less "normal' lives. It would be so easy to give up, quit, and in my case if I did that I would die in fairly short order, i.e., only by refusing to give in am I still here - literally! I've nearly died about half a dozen times in my life starting at age 3 and the latest was early this year (2009).

We thus always need to have considerable contingency plans (even on a day by day basis!) so that one or the other of us doesn't get 'caught'. For example if I were not here, can my Love stay in our little house that God gave us? (in quite amazing circumstances!) The answer is Yes - just! So I can feel confident she's not going to be left with serious accommodation needs if the Lord called me home. *happiness!* All of this is basically because our ill-health is so bad that we've literally lived with death for ages now on a day by day basis - as a normal part of life - something the average person does not. (By 'living with death' I don't mean constantly thinking about it, but rather an 'awareness' of it's ramifications, e.g., for the remaining partner.)

On a lighter note (but same topic) soon I will be having to make my new year's resolution that Beloved always insists on: "That you will not try to die on me during this year!!" *hee!* She's been doing this for quite a number of years. It's a joke of course! - yet is very much real life also!

Now I have to express a loud WOW!!! You said you're now praying for our complete healing. I think that over countless years, you're the first person ever to say that. We've been prayed for for this countless times as you can well imagine, but such is "easy". To commit to pray for us to be healed - that' major!! Thankyou my dear, dear brother!!!! Soon as I can, I shall write the 'story' to you about prayer for healing, and will be able to then share the same thing with everyone else, once God gives me leave.

The Lord has indeed blessed me via my illnesses and especially via a great number of hardships over the past 30 years or so. These are responsible for a great deal of my growth in the Lord and ultimately some ability to share things with others in a way that can be helpful to their walk if they take them up.

And my greatest earthly blessing is my Beloved!!!

Much love!

- BM
I too will intensify my prayers for the both of you.

God is good! 6 Women showed up for the Women's Support group tonight! God blessed the evening and it was a very interesting one indeed!

God Bless you Bondman.. did you ever think when I first came here seeking him and his answers for me, that he used you to disciple me so I could go forth and start a women's support group in my home?

Now that blows my socks off!

Haha, yep, God's constantly blowing my socks off too!

Thankyou to you and Nick for saying you will intensify your prayers - another WOW!!

A-hah, 6 women came to your Support Group! How wonderful - God is indeed good to us! You're right, we never know what He is going to do in our lives, do we? FACT: you came here and you were earnestly seeking. Think I was not gonna respond to that!! So we discipled according to Jesus words to us that we all must do. Takes two to tango. I had to be willing to do the work for you, and for you to respond - doing 'your' work in turn.

Now we see the results of that. You are you now in a position as never before to begin to pass on to others all that He's taught you since early 2008! May they continue to come, and to respond, that you may ultimately be discipling them!!! (I can handle THAT!!)

Blessings, hon!

- BM
Happy New Year to all of you!
In December of 2007 my pastor told me instead of picking a new years resolution , why not pick a Bible Verse to live by.. at that time, I was not totally in the word, so he texted me one

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge him in all ways and he shall make your paths straight.

I accepted this verse and God has been doing amazing things in my life. Feel I am in a bit of a dry spell, but that is only because of my own doings and emotions.

But today is the last day of 2009 and a new year is about to begin and God has big things in store for all of us.. we just have to keep believing and trusting and obeying.

May you all have a blessed new year!

Happy New Year to you too Robin.

I haven't made a New Year's resolution for many many years.

They never seem to last very long for me.

I like what God told you about picking a Bible verse instead of a resolution.

So, what Bible verse will you pick to live by in 2010?

What Bible verse will I pick to live by in 2010?

Happy New Year to you too Robin.

I haven't made a New Year's resolution for many many years.

They never seem to last very long for me.

I like what God told you about picking a Bible verse instead of a resolution.

So, what Bible verse will you pick to live by in 2010?

What Bible verse will I pick to live by in 2010?


I have picked mine:
Galations 5:1
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

There are several things that I feel are a yoke of slavery in my life.. this is going to be a great year! I am thanking the Lord now for the victory!
The Monitor

Just thought I would share this little story of today's happenings with you all

As I woke up on this first day of the New Year, I was feeling in a bit of a slump! Now isn’t that crazy, here I am awake, alive on the first day of a new year and I was feeling frumpy. As I got busy doing laundry and cleaning up the house, my cell phone rang.
It was from a young woman that I had met on the streets when volunteering with Care-A-van. She said “can you help us?” My sister is 9 months pregnant, is in labor and does not have a way to the hospital. Now mind you, with feeling a bit frumpy and I saw the number coming in, I thought now what? Shame on me! Have I not told the Lord to use me as his vessel? When she explained the situation, I told her I would be right there.

The car pulled up to the driveway and this young woman got in the car. She had been sick for 2 days and did not feel right. The contractions were far and few between.
As we arrived at the hospital, they took her to labor and delivery. The nurse helped her into a gown. She was asked to lie on her back to have the baby heart monitor placed on her belly.

It was then that I heard it, the strong heartbeat of one of God’s creations. The mother knew that she is to give birth to a little girl. The heart would beat fast and wildly, and then slow down a bit. It was amazing to hear this heartbeat on the monitor.

As I sat there and pondered throughout the day today, I thought of how all of us are monitored every minute of the day. What? Have you gone crazy Robin? No. We are monitored by the Holy Spirit. When we accept Jesus into our lives, the spirit comes to live within us. Do you recall at all, going to do something that maybe, just maybe was not right? Did your heart and spirit start to quicken a bit? Have you ever got that little nudge, that skippy feeling within your stomach? I have. I truly am thankful for my twenty four hour monitor. It has saved me from doing many things that I should not have done.
Just as the baby heart monitor, kept a watch on the baby and would give a warning beep if the heart rate dropped, so does our spirit give us warning. The machine would print out a strip to show the baby’s progress. If you are one to journal, I am sure you can look at your “monitor strip” and see your progress.

God is about to bring a new life into the world with the arrival of this baby. We are all given a new life when we ask Jesus into our hearts and he comes to dwell within us.
I for one am thankful for having a monitor for my life.

It was a false call for this mom. She was given medication for being ill and sent home to rest. The sad part is that this mom does not know the Lord. I prayed for her and the baby that is about to be born. As I pulled the car back into the driveway, I praised God for the little monitor that pricked me this morning and reminded me that my life is about serving the Lord. Now who would have thought that God would use me this morning to take a pregnant mom to the hospital. Oh and a surprise God had waiting for me was that the labor and delivery nurse, was my one of my brand new Christian sisters who just started coming to the Tuesday night woman’s support group. I was able to share with her my frumpy feelings. I got to tell you, when I got home, I sure felt a heck of a lot better!

God is good! He gets all the praises and glory today and every day! Thank you Lord for the monitoring you provide to us on a daily basis! Thank you Lord for helping us through each and every minute of our day!

May we all remember and be thankful for the monitor we have!
God bless
Lovely post, hon! Interesting experiences for you there. How about meeting one of your new-born Christian, Tuesday Meeting ladies at the hospital!!

It's so important for us all to be as tuned in as we possibly can to that still small voice of God the Holy Spirit. He will keep us from sin, from going the wrong way. One of the ways we can know we're truly born again is: does the Holy Spirit prick us, or are we more or less free to be happily going our own way most of the time, living as WE want?

May you have a great year, dear one!!

- BM
Happy New Year to you too Robin.

I haven't made a New Year's resolution for many many years.

They never seem to last very long for me.

I like what God told you about picking a Bible verse instead of a resolution.

So, what Bible verse will you pick to live by in 2010?

What Bible verse will I pick to live by in 2010?


Hi there, InHisLove! Did you pick a verse for 2010?

In the last 48 hrs, the Lord seemed to focus my mind on the fact that I call myself Bondman here - meaning, of course, Bond-slave, a person who has given up all of his rights to his master (or in this case Master!) A person who has become a "no-one", his sole purpose for living being to serve his master (or Master).

He challenged me: are you still the humble "no-one", or are you starting to think that you are "somebody"? It was all quite sobering, and a great help to me in my life, and in my continuing ministry here in the Inner Room and as Helper on the forum. "I want YOU to be preeminent in my life always, Lord Jesus. You ARE my Lord to serve, and I want to continue to decrease, that You may increase, as John the Baptist said. I need Your continued help on this, as this world, plus our remaining sin-nature just loves to "lift us up" whenever possible. Thankyou, my Master!"

With love,

- BM
B & B, Sun 3rd. Important Prayer Task!

Over the Christmas New Year break, instead of the usual 3 carers 3 days a week, we've had just 1 carer once a week (for the past two weeks). Beloved did a lot of planning for food cooked and frozen to get us through, but it's not been easy.

However she is still improving, is eating a little more all the time, has got past the pain in her right side (though it's not gone away), but is finding it hard to regain strength so that she can do the things she needs to do. I'm doing as much helping as I can - it's my legs that go quickly if I have to stand to help (I can't stand in the one spot for even a minute - collapse to the floor before that time, cos my leg energy is used up).


I've come to believe that you guys praying together, exercising faith together ("group faith"), can do something quite rare and amazing - achieve a major prayer miracle!! I now firmly believe this is possible!! - normally NOT possible in the West!

Okay, what I don't know is whether now is the time. If it is, I'm ready to put it to you. As the Lord has chosen NOT to tell me Yes or No about the timing, may I please ask YOU to pray for His answer. It appears to me like He won't go further with me alone - it has to be you moving God to get the Yes or No answer to me. This makes perfect sense to me, as it will all ultimately centre on your prayers to move God to do a miracle (certainly not just mine).

Meantime, please DON'T change anything that you've been doing as to your thoughts, feelings, or how you approach prayer. Keep it all the same!

I need a totally clear and strong Yes from God before I will move forward now (gotta do everything possible to get this RIGHT!!), so please pray for a clear Yes or No - being what HE wants!! Thankyou!!!

Piles of love to each one of you dear, dear people!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #62


The Question of Fear and Other Matters

There was a particular important situation I had been praying about. One morning soon after I got up and was getting my breakfast, my mind strayed to the situation, and fear immediately welled up in my mind and heart!! I realised it was fear that what I was praying about would not come to pass. After this had happened maybe three times, I took Spiritual action, knowing that fear in such a situation is NOT of God!!

I decided to write this here, and went to get the verse - the Scripture truth - that I use in such a situation (one I've shared with you before). It's in James, a book that is about as practical as you'll find anywhere!! For some reason I started reading verses above the one I wanted. I was stunned at the number of pertinent and powerful verses in the beginning of James Chapter 4. Here are some of them:

Verse 3. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spendit on your pleasures. Whoa, that's one for we Westerners. We pray for this and that, but God does NOT answer because we're messing up - asking amiss, for things for ourselves, for our comfort and happiness and pleasure.

Verse 4. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Another one exactly for us! Loving the world and the things of the world, God labels as us committing ADULTERY with the world!!! Furthermore, live like the world does (which we DO), and God says that this makes us HIS enemy - not exactly something I want to be!!! How about you?

Verse 6b. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Pride is so easy. Humility is so difficult - but the Holy Spirit will help with humility! Also let's skip to v. 10 about this:

Verse 10. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. The "less" we make ourselves, the more God will honour us. We will NEVER ultimately lose by choosing to be unimportant - or even a "nobody"!!

Verse 7a. Therefore submit to God. We need to not be just COMMITTED to the Lord, but SUBMITTED to Him - being even stronger! 'Sub' means 'under', while the 'mit' part means 'send'. So to submit to God means to place (send) yourself under Him and His will and His control in all things in all of your life. So we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, and submit the whole of our lives to Him forever!!! TOTAL COMMITMENT!!!

Verse 7b. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. When the devil is putting thoughts or emotions into your mind, like the fear emotion he was putting into my mind from outside of me, we simply say to God, "Lord, I RESIST the devil - and according to your Word he WILL flee from me!" Not might flee, WILL flee!! 'Resist' simply means firmly rejecting the garbage the devil is throwing into your mind.

Verse 8a. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. How simple yet wonderful is THAT!! "Here I am Lord, wanting You, loving You, needing You." - and He is there WITH you!!! You are NEVER alone, never!!!

"Lord, please mightily bless every heart reading here!"

- BM (with his Lady)

B & B - it's a YES!!!! + WowEncouragement!!! - Tue 5th

I'm walking about 3ft (1m) above the floor this morning!!!

1) I received a very early Yes from the Lord as a result of your prayers for a Yes or a No. THANKYOU SO MUCH!! Furthermore it has now remained as a clear and constant YES ever since!! You can imagine how rapt and excited I've been about THAT!!

2) Now, get ready for all of the excitement and encouragement! Beloved saw our wonderful Doctor yesterday. He knows the (severe) extent of all the dreadful damage Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has done to her (and me) during our lives, and the severity of the dererioration of our health. In a word: how incredibly ill we both are!!

He's been away, and it's now 6 weeks since the Operation. Doc says it takes 3 mths for full recuperation. Beloved reported to him all the things she's experienced concerning her recuperation - and THEN what and how much she's been eating and drinking, plus what physical things she can manage to do, more or less without hurting or harming herself inside, and without overdoing it too badly (it's a bit of a daily tight-rope walk for her!) HE WAS TOTALLY and UTTERLY GOBSMACKED!!!!

Firstly he told her STRAIGHT UP that he expected her to be DEAD!!!! (he's the loveliest man, and we love that he calls it how he sees it - we can't stand doctors who beat around the bush: "Hey, give it to me straight, man!" LOL. He does!) Then she told him how she'd got out of bed and walked the day after the op. He nearly fell off his chair at THAT also, utterly INCREDULOUS that this could be even vaguely possible!!!!

Are you getting the message as to the MIRACLE - and MIRACLES - that our great God has done directly through your faithful and caring prayers?!!!

As for all of her eating, drinking, and the physical activity she's slowly been building up, he said straight up that she SHOULD NOT have been able to do any of this whatsoever!!! (Quite understandably I think, my Love is feeling pretty rapt about all of this, and every so often tells me proudly, "See, I'm tough - I'm much tougher than we all thought!!" But of course she KNOWS and fully ACKNOWLEDGES why this is so!!!) PLUS she told him how you guys were all praying so he could understand the miracle before his very eyes!!!

So there ya go!! - SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!! *hehehehe!*

Oops, nearly forgot. Doc was also STUNNED at how well I'd managed while she was in hospital, and all that I managed to do to help her when she came out. Once again, according to him, this was all TOTALLY AND UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

3) Finally then, would you please pray for me to be 101% certain of the final step here: EXACTLY WHAT we're now going to pray for. I'm already sure of this, but I want to be sure-sure, if you see what I mean - absolutely certain for one reason and one reason alone: so that we get this all RIGHT for our great and wonderful Father GOD!!!

As you can see, you amazing guys have already procuced literal MIRACLES!!! Miracles I believe because of serious "group prayer" and "group faith" that we're doing and exercising together. I'm pretty sure many, if not most of you realise that this is all as plumb ASTONISHING in the West as it is RARE as hen's teeth!!!

Now to complete our task!!... Within 2 days I expect to be back here to set out what we will pray for - and to spell out exactly WHY (most important!)

Okay, have I ever told you how much I love you all?? Well, it's now reached a point where words fail me to be able to express my feelings!! That you would do what you're doing is way beyond any expectation and understanding...

See you in 2 days!! Thankyou, thankyou, THANKYOU!!!!

- BM and his Lady-love

EDIT: Beloved still needs prayer to keep her going! And myself also. It seems that the Lord's taken right out of my hands the matter of "believing" for what we doing, i.e., concerning this, I receive both my belief and assurance via YOU - via your prayers!! How utterly intriguing! But then I've always known that I cannot hope to ever fathom our great God. He does what He does! - and I'm PERFECTLY happy with that!!!
Amazing! What miralces God is doing in your's and Mrs. life!
I thank God! Praises to him! I thank the good Lord for you and the Mrs. both!
I would not be where I am had the Lord not blessed me with the two of you in my life.

Praises to the the Lord for he is good! Tonight will be the women's group. After last week's meeting, one of the girls came back for breakfast Sat morning at my home, after sharing the word and looking at scriptures together, she asked the Lord into her heart! She thought she had to get rid of the muck before asking him, heavens no! we cannot do it on our own.. we need him to help get rid of the muck and mire.

I was listening to a song Sunday in church, and there were words like put down every task and race and seek my face.. I thought wow.. this is me.. to much going on for me to be able to seek his face.. I need to be doing that first and foremost and the rest will come.

I also had to call one of the women last night and explain what the group was about because as we were talking last week, she pulled a brochure onto the table to say what she was about.. an Emphatic healer.
Angel Therapist, Past life Regressionist, Reiki Master- medium. She had made a comment about a sitiatuon and how she saw blood on the walls etc.. I explained how the bible tells us to stay away from mediums. She swore up and down on the phone again that her gift is truly from Jesus. But when she told me her visions come in on her left side becauuse she sits at the right side, I thought oh my.. no.. there is only one who sits at the right hand of our father. She told me I was judging her.

It will be well known and shared tonight what we truly are about and if anyone has a friend or a woman they know , they must come to me first, so I can talk to the woman before she comes to the group, so I do not run into the above situation again.

I had scripture to back me up with all I felt and the discernment within me and when i went to bible study last Sunday it was all about false prophets, teachings and such. I really had to pray on the whole situation.

Each day I just try to keep going on. I do need to rest in him and seek him daily. I will wait with anticipation of your next announcment.
God bless
Oh, I pray God's hand on your so strongly, dear one!! The satanic healer was a bit of a shock, hey! We learn by doing in His work. We just go ahead, and deal with the things as they come up. Now you know how to take the right care. All of this is preparing us for when we will be, ruling with Jesus here on earth during the 1,000 years, if my understanding of this is right. MAJOR tasks for those who've trained for this HERE and NOW!!!

Praise God for another who wants to belong to Jesus!!

I pray for you daily of course, but now the Tuesday Meeting gets a few days beforehand prayed for as well. Very important I feel.

You continue to learn and to grow. It's a major task, isn't it? What's my focus? Am I putting things in right order of importance. Why did I slip off the waggon again? How silly is that! But would we ever SWAP?? No way, hosay!!! We literally are on the winning side. We belong to Jesus - as Lord, Master, Saviour. His is THE ONE!!

Tons of love!!

- BM

Gods Amazing Grace never ceases to amaze, but should it? I am so excited over the report from both Bondman and his Beloved and also from Robin. Such wonderful testimony of the power of God. Prayers continue to go heavenwrd.

I'm anxiously awaiting your message BM in 2 days. Prayer warrior in waiting here.

Blessings and love to all.
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