THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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(This is copied from Disciple!)


I'm going to write this strongly in places but the smiley above is always there in ALL that's below, okay!

I started The Inner Room thread over 18 months ago on 1-1-08, and counting double and triple posts have done nearly 300 Messages which I've sometimes called mini-sermons, but effectively are Condensed Sermons, that take as much to write as a parson's regular sermon. Except I do one every two days!

Like a lot of ministers I work 7 days a week, averaging 60 to 70 hrs each week on my ministry here on CFS. Unlike pastors it's now approx. 19 years since I (and we) have had a holiday!! And unlike most pastors I've been too sick to work a normal job for the past 31 years. So I do this instead! (As I've said before, "Can't keep a good man down!!")


BUT IT'S TIME!! Time I got my life back to coin a phrase! Do I regret all that I've put into first the IR thread and now the new Disciple! thread? NO WAY!!! I LOVE what I do, and will continue doing it so long as He wants me to. What I need to do is "change the rules" a bit. You see, I'm a hopelessly CONSCIENTIOUS BLOKE!!! Can't help myself. You know how many in the world rebel against God and His rules, well I've basically never done this - even before I was saved! Which is hardly surprising because I'm such a concho that I don't even REBEL against my own "rules"!

How this works is that rain, hail or shine I put up a Message even two days. So on the day in between, what am I doing? Exactly! (give the man a coconut!!) - I'm preparing the next day's Message! Any spare time? "Spare time," what's that??

There is so much around here now that's been put off, and put off, and put off, that it's a wonder Beloved is even still talking to me. A VERY forgiving and understanding Lady!! All this is quite apart from the fact that I HATE not getting things done that should be done!


I intend to do my best - which will NOT be easy for me! - to cut down on the number of Messages I do here. Not quite so often I mean. This should NOT adversely affect my ministry here - or YOUR LIVES. Because the Lord's graciously showed me something about that. Most expecially I now know that many here are still reading the 250 to 300 message posts on the other thread. WOW!! So on days that I don't put up a Discipleship Message, there's PILES still to be read here. Please don't tell me that: 1) You've read every mesage on the other thread 2) That you took in all of what you HAVE read, and 3) That you are now living it all out!!! NO offense meant to ANYONE!!!

I've now put the links to the Indexes of "The Inner Room", "Reaching Higher", "Gems" and Disciple!" permanently into my Sig: so you will have access to them always, and THUS to every Message I've ever written!! If I WERE to stop writring messages today, how long do you think it would be before you'd PM me to say, "BM, I'm now 100% LIVING OUT all that you wriote. Please write some more Messages"??? :)


Well, here's hoping this will work!!! Please pray for me to share my time out more equitably. In no way am I CHANGING or LESSENING my ministry as such: just the amount of time I spend on CFS.

I'll put this on the IR as well, for people who are only reading there. Thankyou so much for understanding!! I love you all so greatly!!!!

- BM

It's been a GREAT encouragement to me to see the numbers of you who are still coming to The Inner Room thread! WOW!! That I didn't expect!!! (But never fear, I can handle it!! *hee!*)

In fact a couple of days ago there were 134 and 131 visits to the thread on two consecutive days. What I have no way of knowing though is whether the visits are to the original IR Messages, to RH, or to Gems.

I still have work to do on Index graphics at bottom of the 200 IR Messages - just because I DO want to tidy these up, and feel that I've not left some unfinished! Oh well, hopefully I'll find some time to do it not too far down the track. You certainly are MOST tolerant of my typos and errors and things. Thankyou so much for that!!

With much love and blessings to you all as always!!!!

- BM

The "LIST"

Hi everyone!! Just to let you know that I'm still using time to try and catch up on "life" here at home, i.e., all the jobs that have piled up!

And I did something I've not done in ages. I actually wrote a "list" - you know, one of those things where you record a great pile of tasks that need doing but most of which you won't actually get done... then you transfer them to the "new list", and so it goes on!!

Well I was very careful to put only the 'essentials' down, and so my list has just 11 entries. Okay, only 3 are crossed out so far, but I'm very proud of them there 3 wot I'VE GOT DUN!! And I have a harddrive being formatted at this very moment ready for me to set up a decent backup system to it - needed to be done for AGES, but just haven't had the time!! *me bad!* Once formatting is finished then I get to the bigger task of making the backup program do what I need it to...


Meantime, here are the numbers for the past week's daily visits (can I call them "visitations"?) to the IR thread:

79, 134, 131, 63, 85, 52 (Sunday - always lower), and 121 for yesterday. I'm rapt, just RAPT; I'm sure God is pleased, and I hope this is an encouragement to you like it is to me. We are NOT "wasting" our time and energy here - the Lord is teaching and training and ultimately changing lives!!! Yeee-harrrr!!

If I add in visits to Disciple, then the totals are even more amazing:

156, 153, 177, 104, 125, 64 (Sunday!), and 154. "From the bottom of my heart I bless and thank You, Lord, for all your wondrous deeds, not the least of which is what you are doing here on CFS!! How it's possible, and why it's happening has to be ALL YOU!!!"

Finally, I asked you to pray for someone to really get their act together with the Lord - and you'll remember that this started within 24hrs!! I have to report that the work is still going on, and some of it is almost miraculous: a life being transformed!! Wow!! Thankyou Jesus; thankyou all you lovely caring people!!!

Much love to each of you!

- BM

I hope I didn't put anyone off by naming the new thread Disciple! and making it a thread where I said that I would disciple those who wished to be, and 'tell it like it is' when necessary.

If you've checked it out you'll have realised that it's not all that different from what I've written here. It's simply a little more focussed towards helping you to GROW, helping you to SEE where you need to be heading, and spelling out the things we all need to DO.

In Disciple will also be SIMPLIFYING at least one series I did here, to make it easier for you to understand and I think much easier to start to live out! (it's one that I know can make a major difference to our lives).

Then there will be new things coming in Disciple! some of which I really think you won't want to MISS!!

Fact is that I am more ready to teach these things than I've ever been - cos I keep growing same as we all must!! Like what do you REALLY want to know about the TRIBULATION?? In this regard I expect to be making a PERSONALLY EXCITING ANNOUNCMENT SOON!!

God bless and keep you and yours in His wonderful arms!!

- BM
(Copied from Disciple)


MANY times here I've told you Inner Roomies (yep, anyone on the IR or Disciple are Inner Roomies - cos Disciple was a spin-off from the IR, just like on TV!! *hee!*) - I've told you that I've never had earnest and good Spiritual help from anyone in my 52 years as a Believer.


I now have a Mentor!!! - and I'm so rapt with that I could easily burst!!! (and spill out all over the fl... oh, sorry!!!)

He is an Englishman and is older than me. He's been a writer and teacher of the Scriptures, and world-wide speaker for most of his adult life.

I've never met him and it's unlikely that I will on this earth. He doesn't know that I exist. It's funny, but I've known about him for some years, but God ALWAYS has His timing: recently I kind of re-found him, the timing was perfect - and man oh man, does he ever know the Bible message!!!! He is soft-spoken, but speaks clearly and specifically and concisely about God's Word!! HE REALLY, REALLY KNOWS WHAT HE'S TALKING ABOUT!!

As I let him do to my heart and mind and sprit what you lovely guys do concerning my teaching, I will slowly start sharing with you things that I get from him that I'm also convinced are in the Word of God. At the moment I am just being HIS DISCIPLE!!! Life really can be quite amazing, can't it? Who'd have thought? - well, NOT ME, that's for sure!!!

Please REJOICE with me that 52 years along the track God has finally given me a Mentor!!!

Love you all so very, very much!!

- BM *excitement!!!!*

P.S. I'm pretty sure he's done most, if not all of his Biblical "discovery" via the Holy Spirit, same as me. And here's the thing: so far he and I agree on everything!! - he simply knows MORE than I do, hence able to Mentor me!!!
I Had a Dream

I have a re-occurring that I had again last night. It involves me trying to get dressed to go someplace, but everytime I try to find something to put on, my eyes go shut, and I can't see what I am looking at. I can't seem to open my eyes, so I usually end up just gropping around and manage to put something on; anything. I can't see what I put on, so I go find a mirror, and the mirror (everyone I look into) is always fogged up, or unclear and I just can't see what I have put on. It's really frustrating to try to get my eyes open. They get so heavy and tired and I get so frustrated. It goes on and on that way. Sometimes I hear a baby crying and want to help it, but I can't see where it is either.

Does anyone think they can descipher my dream? (BM, this was after your last PM to me.) Go figure. . . but I have this dream many times.



Message #14 and now Message #15 in Disciple is the START of something NO ONE should miss!!

You don't have to be knowledgeable, or an established Christian to simply JUST FOLLOW the steps I'm setting down!

This is a VERY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY for all CFS folks to start a truly new life in Christ, following Him and His Way and His Words!

I've already promised that I'm going to blow people's minds with some of the things I'm going to write!

At the end of it, each person who chooses to PARTICIPATE will be living a DIFFERENT KIND OF CHRISTIAN LIFE, one that the New Testament teaches, that pleases God, gets you ready for the Tribulaton, AND that gets you MAJORLY ready to live in Eternity - in a way that you could almost certainly NEVER hope to do by yourself.

Please JOIN IN!!!

All of Jesus' Love to you!!

- BM

EDIT! If you're reading Messages in The Inner Room, or Reaching Higher, or Gems, as I know numbers of you are, then that's wonderful! Don't stop! Just 'gently' add in reading DISCIPLE Messages as well!!

But here's good news. The moment we accepted Jesus, immediately the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit took up residence IN US. Our sins were taken away, we were cleansed, and we were made perfect - all in and because of the Lord Jesus. That is, when God looks at us ever since, all He sees is Jesus' PERFECTION (not our sinfulness). Sees only HIS perfect holiness. HIS righteousness.

I couldn't agree with you more!

I am a believer in my 60s who has been saved for 26 years, but although I have a deep understanding of Romans, having studied the letter myriad times, it is only three months ago when the full revelation fell into my lap like a Christmas present wrapped in red foil. Wonder of wonders (was it a sign from God?) days later I read that Martin Luther experienced the same revelation which turned his life around and influenced the likes of Tyndale in England who brought us the English translation.

During the past three months I have been consumed with the subject of righteousness through Christ; it was the reason I joined this forum and posted a blog about the subject. I had to do it! I know now how many beautiful Christian brothers and sisters do not fully understand the free gift; many are, unconsciously perhaps, trying to score 'brownie' points off God to win his ok.

I could go on for ever on this subject but once again thank you for your post.

Blessings to you and your family,
George (Newcastle, NSW)

Good morning! I read your blog, thanks for a great insight. I continue to learn and be discipled by Bondman through the IR and the Disciple thread.

Your blog was just what I needed this morning!
Have a great day!

IT'S SURE WONDERFUL... see the numbers of folks who are still reading here in The Inner Room thread!

In fact a couple of days ago we had an amazing 100 visits here in a 24 hr period (well, to be strictly accurate it was 99 - but I cheated a bit, figuring that surely SOMEONE would log in within, say, a minute or two of me recording the numbers! - me bad... *smack!!* *ouch, that HURT!!!*

Keep reading, keep learning, keep GROWING!!

Bless each one of you! Love ya all millions!!!

- BM

Did the word get out afresh or something? Yesterday there were a total of 138 visits to this thread!! I am RAPT!!

"I bless You, Lord God, for all the wondrous things that You do. Without YOU we are all as nothing!

"Please keep people coming and reading. Open their minds and hearts to receive what YOU have for them, to help them learn and grow towards maturity. I thank You so much!"

- BM


Disciple! is winding down. Probably one more Message there, then I'll see what can be done (e.g., maybe some extra back here in the IR). More news soon!
Disciple! is winding down. Probably one more Message there, then I'll see what can be done (e.g., maybe some extra back here in the IR). More news soon!

hmmm ok , so I thought I would hang out here and greet you!
Hugs to you Bondman~! Great job on the Disciple~

hmmm ok , so I thought I would hang out here and greet you!
Hugs to you Bondman~! Great job on the Disciple~


There's no doubt about you being on the ball, sweetie!!

Thankyou about Disciple, and you are a most wonderful and amazing supporter of me and the 2 threads!! Thankyou from the bottom of my heart!!!

Hugs a-bounding!

- BM

EDIT: Hope the big shift has all gone okay! No doubt you have a lot to do now to get everything ship-shape...
Reaching Higher #45


Walk in the Light (not the Darkness)

You will find the word LIGHT in the Bible from Genesis right through to Revelation! Often spoken of in contrast to the word darkness, it is a very powerful word relating to the Lord God and to how those who belong to Him live out their lives. In contrast is darkness which is aligned with hell, the unsaved and the devil.

Question: are you a READER of the Bible, and especially of the NEW TESTMENT, which is our sole GUIDEBOOK (and there are many important quotes from the Old Testament right there within the New Testament text!!) Without you learn to read the NT for yourself, and learn it, and learn verses and truths, and come more and more to understand what you are reading by the Power of the Holy Spirit in you - then you will remain an immature baby.

Saints of God, we must GO ON to MATURITY, maturity of heart and mind and spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ!! EPHESIANS is a wonderful book and much of it is clear enough to understand. In the FIRST section below Paul is talking about sin and the works of DARKNESS, stressing that WE not be party to any of it. Read the WARNINGS in these verses now:

Ephesians Ch 5:3 But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; 4 neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not be partakers with them.

Now he starts speaking about the LIGHT, contrasting this with DARKNESS. Read on, where he starts by telling us a wondrous TRUTH::

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

If you went okay reading these verses then try reading MORE of Ephesians!! Also try looking for more verses about LIGHT and DARKNESS. Click to go to BibleGateway. In the empty box type - light darkness. Click the box "Match whole words only". At the bottom click "Search for keyword or phrase". You'll get a page of Old Testament verses. In the black bar at the bottom is: 1 2 3 / Next. Click on 2. Scroll down to NT Verses from Matthew to 1 Thessalonians (page 3 will give you more).

Read and study some of these verses to learn a LOT MORE about LIGHT and DARKNESS in the New Testament!! Because: we MUST become PEOPLE OF THE BOOK!!! - reading it, believing it, LIVING IT!!!! - Living in the LIGHT!!

- BM (with his Lady)


Meantime, I've been doing a few posts in threads in other parts of the forum (I've not done this before, but there's a reason).

In a thread started by Mod 'New2Christ' called "Women at the Well" I posted a reply that some of you may have read something similar in a Message. It's HERE and is very important if you've not read a Message on it (or, I'd have to say, read one but have still taken no ACTION on it - very dangerous indeed!!!)

No one so far has answered the important QUESTIONS I put. Can you?

See ya tomorrow!!

- BM
Reaching Higher Message #46


Fun and Serious with: True or False?

The purpose of this is to see how much of Messages you've got a good hold of - in order to help you!! (As well as have a little fun!!) Some are true, some false. But read them carefully, as there are a couple that could easily trap you! Down below #10 are the Instructions for you to use to find the right answers. Do them one by one - and keep a track of the number you get right, okay! (No, it's not necessary to PM me with the number you got right! *haha!*)

1. The Bible says that God meets all of our needs. That's why we need to become Christians. (Now go down to the Instructions to get the Answer for this Question. Do this for each question).

2. A true Christian will look for brothers and sisters in need, then help them.

3. I believe in Jesus, attend church regularly, tithe my income and live a good life, so I believe that I am going to heaven.

4. What I think is that the OT leads on to the NT and helps us to understand it. But I then think that an understanding of the NT helps me with the OT.

5. Wow, the moment Jesus came into my life the old 'me' was gone!

6. I've decided I'm going to become a Christian so my life will become that much easier.

7. When I hear preachers talking about the Christian life needing to "cost" me, I really have to wonder if they're right. But I think I'm going to believe them.

8. So to really live the Christian life requires a lot of struggling...

9. It's clear to me now that all the times I go wrong and get off onto the wrong track it's the devil who's doing this.

10. I know that hardship is part of the normal Christian life. But don't you think that's rather depressing?

INSTRUCTIONS: Use your mouse to HIGHLIGHT below to reveal and read each answer one by one (no cheating now!) To highlight, put your mouse on the double arrow below, then click and HOLD the right button. Move the mouse down to find then read the highlighted answer. (Once what you want to read is all highlighted, you can let go of the mouse button!) Enjoy!

Start highlighting at the red arrow:

» 1. It's certainly true that He does meet all of our needs! But to become a Christian for that reason is self-centered, rather than God-centered so it's not right, is it! Jesus died so that ALL of our SIN and REBELLION seriously committed AGAINST a righteous GOD could be dealt with. That's the HEART of becoming a Christian. Repent of these sins and then... we can begin to become more and more holy and righteous, AND serve Him, and OBEY His Words, and love and care about others, and more. That is, all more selfLESS, and more and more GOD-oriented!

2. This is both loving each other like Jesus commanded AND caring for them as well, so it's true. But notice "look for". Do we really do that?

3. The demons also believe in Jesus, so this bombs out right there as not going to do the job!! Then millions of people do the others things as well, yet have never been born again of His Holy Spirit. So while this may sound great at first reading, it's no way true to God's Word - living the Christian life set forth in the New Testament is so much more and much, much different from this.

4. You get to read so many important things from the OT when you've earnestly read, and dug into the NT - so this is true. And knowledge of the NT will indeed help with the OT - but how much of the NT do you know right now?

5. Anyone living the Christian life seriously well knows that 'me' is still very much alive and well! So this is false. What IS true is that the old me (the "old man of sin") has been dealt a death-blow and we must CONSIDER him dead (that's the trick) - as we learn more and more how to be an overcomer and to grow into more righteousness in our lives.

6. You mean become 'religious', right? Becoming a true Christian will mean a more difficult life for you!

7. Good decision. We are called to sacrifice, to bear up under tribulation, and to continue right to the end. The hardships are as nothing, however, compared to all that we receive from God, like being FREE, filled with LOVE, able to forgive, having deep-down JOY continually, knowing the Lord God personally, knowing where you'll be when your life is ended, and so much more!

8. NO. But it does mean making tough decisions - then working with God, and trusting Him to help you to make them work! Struggling is "human" and is not the way to go. The Holy Spirit is the One with the POWER we need to learn to live to please our God!

9. Blaming the devil is mostly a cop-out. Our flesh, our human desires and our self-centeredness cause a lot of our sin. The world causes a pile more because we're still living in it - and we like it and its wares! The devil will tempt us, but we must NOT blame him for all our sin!

10. It certainly could be if we're foolish enough to accept that premise. The truth is that the New Testament speaks of hardships, but also of us becoming overcomers through Christ, i.e., we can learn to actually REJOICE in time of trouble, because we live so close to the Lord! These verses spell out the wonder of what this is about:

1 Peter Ch 1:6 In this [our salvation] you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be to your praise, honor, and glory when Jesus Christ is revealed.

So how many did you get right? *smile*

Much love to all!!

- BM (with his Lady)

8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), 10 finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. 11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them

My walk into the light has been an amazing one. As I was cleaning at the old apartment this morning, I thought back to my "dark' days, and living for the wrong things. It has been quite a journey, one that you and many here have been on with me.

With walking as a child of light, and turning from the darkness, I have been so blessed. I now have fellowship with the light. On moving day last Saturday, I had 17 Christian friends show up to help me! We had the uhaul packed in one hour! amazing! unloaded in an hour and half! I couldn't catch my breath! I am still trying to catch it. When I was living in the dark, every time I moved. 10 to set the record straight. lol! they were all lonely and frustrating moments, but now I am truly blessed.

I just celebrated my one year anniversary of being in street ministry and I now go forth to share the good news and through God's loving grace and wisdom and sharing of the gospel, God exposes the darkness of others to me and helps me to also help others. I now speak the truth to people including my Christian friends, when we see each other falling or stumbling we remind each other we live in the light now and not our old dark ways.

It all seems so overwhelming irght now with cleaning the old place up and getting the new place settled. But I forever thankful for the light I walk in. This morning we will be taking the church van out to the local college to pick up 4 young ladies who I ministered to on the bus. When we were getting ready to leave, 2 of the gals came on and one said I need prayer I am about to do something I should not do. She has Jesus in her heart, knows the Lord, but the world was calling her to sin. I prayed with her and another gal came on and asked for prayer due to the same scenario of about to do something she should not. Amazing night and now this morning these young gals are coming to fellowship with me!

Remember the handyman? His girflriend is now pregnant and she is coming to church this morning as well. I continue on Tuesday evenings bible study with another woman.

I am truly fighting the good fight. I am truly fighting on a daily basis to turn from the dark and turn to the light. Find attached two pics from my anniversary day on the streets. I love where God has led me. I love you and everyone here who continues to encourage me and help disciple me , so therefore I can disciple others!
Love you all!
Faithwoman! :smiley150:

PS my parents bought me an electric fireplace and i have my gram's old chair, so now I can be toasty warm as I sit at our Lord's feet and read his word!

Ok,, trouble uploading pics.. I will have to work on that one.

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