THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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Gems #11


... Faithwoman: HERE and HERE. "
Oh Jesus help us all!"
you said in relation to our bondages to things and "stuff", as we've apparently quite LOST sight of the fact that ONLY the Spiritual parts of us go through death and into heaven. (I say Amen to your prayer to Jesus!!!)

You also said how John the Baptist was focussed on:
.. confession of sins

.. repentance of sin

.. forgiveness of sins

.. baptism for sin,

while for FOOD and CLOTHING he ate locusts and wild honey and wore just a camel hair coat and belt!! The height of "fashion" we could say. And his SOLE life-task was to INTRODUCE JESUS to all the people!! WOW!!! How different are we in OUR life-focus and how we LIVE...

At the Cross, our LORD and SAVIOUR's example for us was that He had just the proverbial coat on his back (no doubt gifted to Him) - which the soldiers snaffled for themselves. And He said He had nowhere to lay his head. HOW UNLIKE US!!! What a CONTRAST!!! Have we lost the plot do you think?? I certainly DO!! - I think we've about lost it TOTALLY!!!

Faithwoman was wringing her hands about us "wasting God's money on materialsim of the world" while I stand back in pure DISBELIEF at how we supposed Christians live each day... Anyone really CARE about telling the LOST about Jesus, FEEDING the poor so they don't starve? Well, there are TWO links in my Sig at the bottom (small print), where you can go and REMEDY both of these - RIGHT NOW!!! If you wish to... And I'm saying NO MORE......

- BM, with his Lady

Good posts, ya'll! Thanks for the reminders about where our hearts and thoughts should be...squarely in Jesus! Just stopping by to let you know, I DO read these posts and have been blessed indeed!


Good posts, ya'll! Thanks for the reminders about where our hearts and thoughts should be...squarely in Jesus! Just stopping by to let you know, I DO read these posts and have been blessed indeed!



Speaking just for myself, I can't remember being told, "You Rock!" before!! But I can handle it! *happy laugh!*

Love back atcha, hon!! Remembering you and yours in prayer!

- BM
Good news! My newest grandbaby came into the world this morning, weighing 8 lbs and 12 oz! She is whole and healthy and momma is doing well. It was a long, hard battle, but she came through it like a trooper with some heavy doses of prayer going on!
Praise the Good Lord for giving her the strength to finish! Thank You, Lord!
Oh, wow, Fluffy became a Gran again!! Sounds like a bit of a doing for new Mum, but bless God that He answers prayer and cares and loves and supports us!

Congrats Grandma!! We rejoice with you!

- BM
New ones coming into the World

Good news! My newest grandbaby came into the world this morning, weighing 8 lbs and 12 oz! She is whole and healthy and momma is doing well.

Congrats Fluffy! How exciting

Speaking of new ones coming into the world, Bondman you and the Mrs were at the picnic tonite and helped a young girl who is going to be in 9th grade next year receive her salvation!
Awesome nite out with Care-A-Van. God gave us a divine appointment with this young gal. Her cousin who is going to be in 12th grad was there and is born again (mind you this young 17 year old had much abuse in her past- terrible things happened to her! )

We prayed right there. We also had Pastor Charlie who is blind and his wife there tonite to pray with folks. the kids in the neighborhood were hungry for Jesus. Pastor Charlie and his wife gave the kids crosses. When I walked them home, they were telling me how thankful they were for the crosses because their house was haunted and the cross would help keep the ghosts away! I have attached pics!
Hugs to all! May we see more and more coming to the Lord's world !

I LOVE that the angels rejoice when one soul enters God's Kingdom!! So there was some pretty awesome sounds in heaven over this new Christian lass!!

Love the pics, hon!! I'm not sure which was the best, but I did love the girls all rejoicing in the street.

Mind you, I was concerned how all the cars were parked on the WRONG SIDE of the street and obviously going the wrong way. Very dangerous that! *hehe!!* (For any who are unaware, we drive on the left here in Oz, same as England, and a little unusually perhaps, Japan also).

Much love, sweetie. In prayer for your major decision!!

- BM
Gems #12


In a couple, if YOU wish to give specifically to the Lord, but your spouse DOESN'T, then what do you do? The solution is actually SIMPLE!! The PROBLEM itself applies to couples who are BOTH Christian as well as just ONE being a Believer, and also to the man as well as the wife (though the latter is certainly more common.)

So okay, Bondman writes about how EASY it is to give to the POOR and the NEEDY - like Jesus both COMMANDED us to, and gave His WARNING of the SERIOUS consequences to our SALVATION of FAILING to do so!!! Read Inner Room Message #183 HERE, and Part 2 as well. But... your spouse either says NO, or maybe vibes disapproval, or whatever. I've written before how a wife could save up a few dollars here and there out of her 'allowance', doing without things (or cheaper) so that others can be helped!

I am absolutely CERTAIN you WILL find a way - and even ways, under TWO conditions: 1) That you are seriously DESPERATE to help those in NEED of our help, and 2) you earnestly PRAY to the Lord about this. Meantime here's how it works: THE HEART!!
God sees our HEART exactly!! He KNOWS what it is that we TRULY WANT to do!! (please don't try to kid him...) You then get full "credit" from him JUST for your strong DESIRE!!! Please GET this: He counts that DESIRE as RIGHTEOUSNESS to you!! How wonderful is THAT!

Blessings to you all!

- BM and his Lady


Because of her many lifetime serious illnesses and all the constant pain she has, my Beloved is in bed, door closed, very depressed - because life is just too hard for her to cope with at the moment (there are unfortunate and bad specifics that pushed her over the edge). And there's absolutely nothing I can do but pray...

I would appreciate prayer for her and the whole situation (including much widsom for me).

Thankyou SO MUCH!!

- BM

I am praying here in NY. This just saddens my heart. Prayer is a powerful thing, you and I know that along with many others here.

I pray that the Lord will touch her. I pray that the Lord will speak to both of you. I pray that the Lord will give you more wisdom I thank the Lord for the healing he is doing in the both of you.

I pray that her pain will be released and the depression will leave. I pray that the Lord will lift her up.

Lord Heavenly Father, you know exactly what healing the Mrs needs. It says in your word, by his stripes we are healed. I pray she remembers that you never leave us , nor forsake us. I pray for more strength for Bondman. I pray for the continuation of miracles in their lives. Lord you are mighty God, we do the possible and you do the impossible. Right now things seem so bleak to the Mrs. Lord bring her joy and peace, bring her relief of all things that are keeping her down. We praise you and thank you for all things.


I am praying here in NY. This just saddens my heart. Prayer is a powerful thing, you and I know that along with many others here.

I pray that the Lord will touch her. I pray that the Lord will speak to both of you. I pray that the Lord will give you more wisdom I thank the Lord for the healing he is doing in the both of you.

I pray that her pain will be released and the depression will leave. I pray that the Lord will lift her up.

Lord Heavenly Father, you know exactly what healing the Mrs needs. It says in your word, by his stripes we are healed. I pray she remembers that you never leave us , nor forsake us. I pray for more strength for Bondman. I pray for the continuation of miracles in their lives. Lord you are mighty God, we do the possible and you do the impossible. Right now things seem so bleak to the Mrs. Lord bring her joy and peace, bring her relief of all things that are keeping her down. We praise you and thank you for all things.


Oh, sweetie, thankyou so much!

God instructed us to support and care for each other. That's HIS WILL - and with out this care and love and support I don't know how we'd get through, I really don't. Thankyou for your lovely prayer for us.

You are so faithful with all of this, that I find it very humbling indeed...

Much, much love!!

- BM


FIRST. When I ask for prayer here, a quite ASTONISHING thing happens!! Astonishing in my experience anyway!
I've long said that we Western Christians see few real MIRACLES because we're (a) not near enough COMMITTED to Jesus, and more pertinently still (b) not ENOUGH of us are really BELIEVING and TRUSTING God to make a prayer DIFFERENCE, i.e., in India they see REAL healings all the time: because the church folk and the Pastor easily believe God and pray for this, and EXPECT it - SO IT HAPPENS!!
Fact is, when I ask for prayer here, GOD ACTS!!!! Quickly, and every time. I don't really know how many are on the Inner Room. Daily visitors to the thread currently range widely from 50 to 170, with an average or maybe 80 or so. HOW MANY OF THESE PRAY? I have no way of knowing. What I DO know is that corporately you guys can actually MOVE GOD!!!! And to me that is quite mind-boggling....

So ALREADY there's been a breakthrough in my request for my Beloved, one that I've prayed for for maybe up to 2 years, and it's now at least partly happened in 24 hours or so via you wonderful folks!!! Woooow!!!


SECOND, after writing ABOVE I can't write the other thing I was going to. (I'll pray and think on it some more...)

THANKYOU FOR LISTENING!!! And please pray some more for Beloved for us to have a MAJOR breakthrough!!!

I love you guys SO, SO MUCH!!!

- BM
Gems #13


We all love Good News!! There's plenty for us in the New Testament!! I thought that we should look at some right now!

2 Timothy Ch 4:8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. So NOT just for Paul, exactly like He says! All of us who've truly loved Jesus WILL receive this Crown!! Sounds good to me!!

1 Corinthians Ch 3:14 If anyone’s work which he has built on endures, (survives God's fire that tests our WORKS!), he will receive a reward. Every time out of our love for Jesus we say NO to ourselves and YES to Him, this goes towards our Reward we'll receive from Him in heaven!! Okay, I'm in!!! (are you with me?)

Remember the thief on the cross with Jesus, who repented and believed in the Lord!! Luke Ch 23:43 And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” Do you find FORGIVENESS like this most remarkable? Me too!!

Hebrews Ch 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. We have FAITH, right! - so we CAN please Him!! And seek and CONTINUE seeking for Him diligently - then once again we receive our REWARD in heaven!!

Galatians Ch 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. The Holy Spirit who Jesus PROMISED He would send, puts into our HEART and LIFE deep-seated LOVE, and JOY, and PEACE!!! (that NOTHING can take away!! WOW!!!)

SUMMING UP: when WE do just a LITTLE, then He RESPONDS with MUCH (and a very wondrous "MUCH" it is too!) We're indeed blessed a hundred-fold, and MORE!!

- BM, with his Mrs

SUMMING UP: when WE do just a LITTLE, then He RESPONDS with MUCH (and a very wondrous "MUCH" it is too!) We're indeed blessed a hundred-fold, and MORE!!

Lord we thank you! Lord we are praying for major breakthroughs for the Mrs. and Bondman! Lord we praise you this morning and give you thanks!

Lord we thank you! Lord we are praying for major breakthroughs for the Mrs. and Bondman! Lord we praise you this morning and give you thanks!


Amen x 10! I am agreeing in pray for my wonderful brother and sister.
Thankyou SO much you lovely two people!! I am so incredibly blessed with the friends I have here. I doubt you can really understand how amazing that is, and how much I appreciate each one of you!!

We have a-ways to go yet with Beloved's problems. Prayer to our God will do it! There is absolutely NO OTHER ANSWER!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #37


A Confession!

I don't quite know how to start this Confession. God's only just got through to me where I've been missing the mark recently, and I'm SO grateful for that! The beginning of The Inner Room thread spoke a deal about PRACTICAL New Testament Christianity - that Works! It's been my goal and charge from God to deliver on that. But in recent time there's been something that's crept in to spoil the "Practical" goal. And I have to APOLOGISE most sincerely to you all for it!

Here's what it's been. I would write, "God says that we must Love One Another. This is His COMMAND to us!" "Okay," you may say, "so what's wrong with that? It's true, isn't it?" Yes, it is true! But recently you haven't had just ONE statement like that, but many, in message after message!! What I've somehow lost is to be truly UNDERSTANDING of those who read what I write, as to HOW HARD (or impossible!) it may be to actually DO a dozen or two things I tell you are God's commands!! Oh dear...

What I'm saying is that we are all at different stages of growth, and a new "MUST DO" for one person may be okay, but for another it may be quite impossible to DO at that time in their Christian life. But BM keeps harping and harping on it, and it would be VERY understandable if that person felt like simply giving up!!!

I shall endeavour to be using more words like "AIMING" to do A or B - because not one of us can do it all perfectly! Yet we may be trying really, really HARD to!!! I AM SO SORRY, dear ones!!!!

With much love!!!

- BM

shall endeavour to be using more words like "AIMING" to do A or B - because not one of us can do it all perfectly! Yet we may be trying really, really HARD to!!! I AM SO SORRY, dear ones!!!!

With much love!!!

- BM

Hey there is only one person that is perfect and that is Jesus. I just heard that song this morning about Perfect person and perfect world. It is an awesome song. You like me just want the true joy , peace and happiness for others. You are so right , each of us is on a different spiritual plane in life, hopefully we all are aiming and striving to get there to the one place that Jesus calls us to and that is living for him.

Your messages help do that. It can get overwhelming with a few dozen things to do.. but we must eat just one donut a time out of that dozen and keep munching away to get the other 11 in us.. one bite at a time.. sometimes the first bite.. giving our total life to Christ is the hardest.. our flesh does not want to give in to the first bite.. let alone the rest of the meal that is waiting for us.. but he came to give us life .. and we are thankful you are there to help deliver the meal.. the message.

Have a super day!
About our striving to do what's right; that was what being a Mormon was all about. The joy was not there, just failure and disappointment in ourselves. If I've learned anything since becoming Christian, it's that I can do allllll things through Christ !
I was habitually trying to do the right thing on my own, even after I'd surrendered all to Him. It just didn't seem right to depend on God for everything. But, it was the right thing to do. Have you ever sent a child off to college and you wanted him to ask for your help? Does it make you feel bad when he says he can do it on his own? It did me. That's how God feels when we don't depend on Him for strength to do the right thing.

I know, I know, you all know this, right? Maybe I misinterpreted your message, BM. I'm sorry if I got it wrong. I fail to understand where you think you did wrong though. Can you go into it a little deeper?

Anyway, finally, someone on the forum got through to me that I didn't have to do it all in my own strength. That when I am weak, God is stronger. And He can work more when we give it to Him. I gave Him my dh, and now I don't struggle. I let God work for me in his behalf. Whew! :D
Dear Lord,Please give BM and the Mrs the strength to continue on and overcome these problems. I know they are blessed and will be together for eternity but I pray that through their committment and love of the Lord their bond will only become stronger!Thank you Jesus!
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