THE INNER ROOM - "Learn and Grow - to Maturity". Please read the 1st Post.

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This is to let you all know I'm taking just a little time off.

I'm exhausted, and after responding to a couple of PM's and emails, I really must take a break. It would be interesting to see when was the last time I took a day off - but that would be too much work to look at old posts! *grin*

Also I'm not at all sure if a seriously ill 70 year old can express it as taking time off to 'recharge the batteries' *hahah!*, but that's just what I'm gonna start doin' soon as I knock off for bed in an hour or two!!

Love ya all!! Back soon,

- BM

Recharge those spiritual batteries my friend, those never wear out!

Eph 3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

I am praying that times of refreshing come upon you and your family.
Recharge those spiritual batteries my friend, those never wear out!

Eph 3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

Eph 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

I am praying that times of refreshing come upon you and your family.

Thankyou all! Yes, I did have a good break! Today we even got out of the house for a half-price pizza, which we ate in the car beside a lagoon, enjoying the birds there and the beautiful reflections in the water - two of the things we LOVE of His wonderful creation! (It was lovely to be well enough to be able to drive!)

The Spiritual batteries hereby recharged, I am back ready for work! Thankyou Bo for your prayers - and everyone's!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #34


Christianity as a "Buy-Back Scheme!"

I wonder how many know that the Scriptures categorically state the FACT that Jesus dying for our sin was already ordained WAY BEFORE CREATION!! - that is, it was ALL ALREADY PLANNED!! The FATHER, the LORD JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT had planned for you to be saved!!! Ephesians Ch 1:5 For He (God) foreordained us (destined us, planned in love for us) to be adopted (revealed) as His own children through Jesus Christ, in accordance with the purpose of His will [because it pleased Him and was His kind intent] (Amplified Bible) We can add to this verse that:

Ephesians Ch 1:4 says that He chose us before the foundation of the world. Hebrews Ch 4:3 says that God's work in Christ was finished from the foundation of the world. Revelation Ch 13:8 refers to our names being written in the Lamb's book of life from the foundation of the world. In Matthew Ch 24:34 Jesus speaks of the Kingdom prepared for us before the foundation of the world. WOW!!

So a whole lot of things were planned, BY GOD, an awful long time ago!! But then the time came... after Creation, and after the Garden of Eden, WHEN IT ALL STARTED TO COME TO PASS IN REAL HUMAN HISTORY!! Here is Jesus going to the Cross, now hanging ON the Cross - and there's a most astonishing "Purchasing" going on there!! He was about to BUY US BACK from the one we belonged to, heart and soul, i.e., SATAN! Please understand that the Bible is crystal clear about this: either you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, OR you belong to the devil!!

So we were REDEEMED by Jesus on the Cross. Redeemed means deliverance secured by the payment of a RANSOM!! The cost of redeeming us, the 'buy-back' price, was nothing less than the DEATH of God's unique and only Son!! That's SOME PRICE to pay to RANSOM worthless me!! If you've ever wondered how much God LOVES YOU, then THAT'S how much!!! Jesus paid the FULL RANSOM for us - the ONLY POSSIBLE way we could be SET FREE from SIN and SATAN!!

You are now GOD'S. You literally now BELONG TO HIM!! I know we Western Christians like to think we belong to ourselves, to LIVE AS WE WANT, but that's SIMPLY NOT TRUE!!! Couldn't be FURTHER from the TRUTH: 1 Corinthians Ch 6:19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. He loves you like crazy!! You are HIS!! Enjoy the FREEDOM you now have because Jesus paid your RANSOM with His precious LIFE!!

- BM and his Beloved

Welcome Back! I can just picture your outing! God is being so good to you! Praise the Lord for the strength and the healing he is doing!
Hugs to the Mrs.

Speaking of buying back.. two souls were bought back tonight.
Yep Bondman, you were standing on a street as a car slowly drove by, I flagged them down, to invite them to our weekly picnic we were out for on the streets. A young 22 year old man who had a neck brace on and his mom were in the car.. As I told them of the picnic, God opened the door for you and I.. right there with the car running a 20 min conversation took place.. he had heard the message before but never accepted Jesus until tonight! Praise the Lord.

Then off the street you, me and the Mrs went to the picnic. An older woman was there.. divorced lives alone in that neighborhood.. we got to chatting we introduced her to the Pastor that was with us.. then her and I visited for about half an hour.. As you, Me and the Mrs. walked her back to her car.. I prayed with her and she asked some more questions.. so you got it.. yep right there on a little side street she asked Jesus to come on in.. So Allelulia! Man good thing you got that rest when you did.

Hugs from Batavia, NY... the streets just love having you and the Mrs. along!

Wow, you, me, and Beloved sure seem to keep busy!! In fact I can't believe how much we manage to get done in God's Kingdom! New people keep getting added, "brought in from the cold," as it were, to start to ENJOY the wondrous WARMTH OF HIS LOVE!!

You often talk of how less than 2 years ago, you could never have imagined where you've now got to, and the life you're living, and the things you're doing!!! GOD IS INDEED INCREDIBLY GOOD!! Similarly I don't suppose I could ever have imagined this sort of number of souls being added to the Kingdom like is happening in Batavia.

There are things I'd never have imagined also, which I'll put in a Message because there's a single but most MAJOR LESSON we can all learn from it!!

Bless you heaps in your ministry, Sweetie!!

- BM
Gems #5


I came here to TEACH. That WAS - and still IS - 'my prime directive'!! That's what I THINK about, PRAY about, "LIVE" every day of the year (except for brief breaks like I've just had). All of which, of course, is a PURE GODLY MIRACLE that I can DO any of this!! When I started The Inner Room I didn't really think a lot about DISCIPLING (like I've done with some here - from half way around the world!!) even though I love doing it, and consider it AN ABSOLUTE ESSENTIAL in the life of a new Believer. I soon learnt how EFFECTIVE it is when I did my FIRST DISCIPLING of numbers of 10-12 year old children, ALL newly-born into the Kingdom via after-school meetings I ran at the school where I taught. This was way back in the late 1960's!!

These "children" now have their own children, bought up in a Christian home and themselves belonging to the Lord Jesus! And NOW grand-children are being born to their children - AGAIN being brought up in a Christian environment!!! Three generations of Christians, who SO EASILY could have totally missed out (the original converts ALL came from NON-church homes!) Is this working for you? - sure does for ME!!!

Most ASTONISHING OF ALL, this particular kind of after-school meeting that God specifically led me to pioneer is now run in other countries; but even more MIND-BOGGLING is the fact that a SPIN-OFF from it led to a WORLD-WIDE children's work headed up by a fellow Queenslander!! She constantly travels the world to countries that we've barely even heard of, working with, and helping MANY CHILDREN'S WORKERS in those countries!!!

So today in 2009 KIDS AROUND THE WORLD ARE GETTING BORN INTO GOD'S KINGDOM - DIRECTLY because of that "unimportant", small, after-school meeting started in far North Queensland in about 1968!!! So... NEVER EVER, EVER UNDERESTIMATE what God can do with A HEART GIVEN OVER COMPLETELY TO HIM!!!! Jesus told us: Matthew Ch 29:19 Go therefore, and make DISCIPLES of all the nations...

- BM, with his Lady


EDIT! I've said before how in the 1980's, over and over and over, God told me that I would be "The Father of Many Children!" Of course I was quite blown away by this! - yet had not a SINGLE clue what He meant!! BUT NOW I DO!!- and "Father, with deepest gratefulness I BLESS YOUR MOST HOLY AND BEAUTIFUL NAME for all that YOU have done!!!"
I've said before how in the 1980's, over and over and over, God told me that I would be "The Father of Many Children!"Of course I was quite blown away by this! - yet had not a SINGLE clue what He meant!! BUT NOW I DO!!- and "Father, with deepest gratefulness I BLESS YOUR MOST HOLY AND BEAUTIFUL NAME for all that YOU have done!!!"

Yes indeed you are and I am one of your children as well as the young ones in the attached pics.

Check out the ones of the youngsters playing in the mud.. one of our families here in Batavia.. the young gal with me in front of our rescue van is yours and the Mrs. daughter who's mom is a drug addict.. and man check out the babies you and the Mrs. have here!

Included is a group shot from the picnic Thursday night We are doing 22 picnics this summer.. every Thursday nite we go to a different neighborhood.

Check out the young gal riding the scooter. A family that lives a block away that you the Mrs and I have been ministering to.. I had curtains my mom gave me that were in the trunk and I sent them home with them.

I encourage all my friends and family not to throw anything away! I take it and take it to the streets to bless others. I got half my basement cleaned out tonite as tomorrow we visit our biggest neighborhood.

Ok off I go to sit by candlelite outside to catch my breath!

They all love ya and most of all we are teaching them about their father in heaven! Allelulia!
Wow, great post and great pics, hon!

Oh, it was SO lovely to see those who belong to Him!! WHAT A BLESSING!!!

It's sure a tough ole world out there, isn't it - yet there are SOME who are entering God's Kingdom, cos:

.. God led me here, and
.. He also led you here, and
.. we got TOGETHER, and soon
.. we were very SERIOUSLY working together, weren't we, and
.. bit by bit He taught you and changed you, and
.. then He gave you abilities to share the Gospel, and so
.. NOW there are more and more folks who belong to Him!!

Ask me if I can HANDLE IT??

YES, I CAN!!!!!!

"You really, really, really are the bestest, Lord!!!"

- BM and Mrs
Gems #6


I do not want to be singing Faithwoman's praises, okay, (nor does she! - I know that cos she has seen this and given me permission to use it!) - any more than I want to sing my own...

But she is an EXAMPLE - in a day and age where we are DESPERATELY short of good EXAMPLES, AND so I "WILFULLY" and DELIBERATELY want to share some aspects of that EXAMPLE:

As she grows in the Lord, more and more she's LEARNING to live the way we ALL should be living as true Believers in the Lord Jesus!!! And, TRUST ME, WE ARE giving all the GLORY to the Lord as I'm writing this!!!

Here's what I see. A Christian who's:

1. Working hard on getting sin OUT of her life.
2. And therefore growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS (she may not be very aware of this, same as I tend not to be).
3. "Gossiping the Gospel" at every available opportunity.
4. Working on becoming less worldly.
5. Serious about helping the poor and the needy.
6. Strongly committed to the Lord Jesus.

NOTE: NONE of us are "anything special": Luke Ch 17:10 So likewise you, when you have done all those things which you are commanded, say, "We are unprofitable servants. We have done what was our duty to do."

- BM, with his Lady

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You, for this wonderful opportunity to watch Your hands at work. To see Your love shine on these people in Faithwoman's world. People that are desperate not only for material things, or food, but a shoulder to cry on, an ear to bend, someone that cares. And You are that Someone that is caring for them, Lord. You are the hands that hold, and the mouth that speaks love and hope.

Lord, I never would have known about the wonderful things You are doing if it werent for Faithwoman telling us about it. Thank You, for her, and thank You for Bondman. Two people that you have placed here and given a mission. You have filled them with boldness and courage and put a fire in their bones!

Father, I ask that it spreads. That it is contagious. That it leaps from one person to the next and spreads out like a wildfire in the wind. Father, I ask for more workers in Your Kingdom like these two.

Please continue to increase Bondman's health. Please continue to grow Faithwoman in her faith. Please continue to provide Care-a-Van with the things they need for their ministry. Watch over them all, and keep them close.
I'll add an Amen! to that! I believe that's the sort of prayer the Father hears - and delights to answer!

Father, I ask that it spreads. That it is contagious. That it leaps from one person to the next and spreads out like a wildfire in the wind. Father, I ask for more workers in Your Kingdom like these two.

This is MY PRAYER too!! Every word of what you said!

Bless you, hon!!

- BM
ERP... Apologies to those going to the Gems Index, with stupid programming and other errors I'd made. Sometimes I cannot BELIEVE myself.....

Oh, and I left out A WHOLE MESSAGE - but didn't know I

Y'see it's like this! All my life I've been a person who NEVER does anything by halves! *true - thats me!!* - which then means that if I'm gonna mess up, then I DO THAT PROPERLY as well!! *embarrassed laugh!*

SORRY guys!! All fixed (I hope!...)

Have you heard the "RULE" concerning computer coding and programming, which says: "There is ALWAYS one more bug!!" Well, it's true! In my case a bug AND an error as well. Did I say, "Erp!!"

- BM

Hi BM!

I just wanted to share an old post of mine that I would love your feedback on. It was back in January and I had just read and studied the book of Matthew.

I look forward to your comments.

G'day Brad!

I checked out your thoughts from reading Matthew - didn't finish it, but all that I read seemed GOOD! And I noticed that many other approved of what you wrote.

I virtually never get to read post/threads elsewhere - neither the time nor health to do that: The Inner Room thread is all I can manage! But reading the Matthew thread led me to other threads, and I see that at the beginning of the year you and others considered you a saved Christian. But then I noted a post by Bo who said about you jumping from religion to religion (or words to that effect). I saw that others too were trying to help you recently.

I mean, people thought you were a Christian man then, but if I remember correctly, when you came here you called yourself a Deist.

I'm wondering if you or others have any idea what this is all about?

Blessings to you!!

- BM
Two people that you have placed here and given a mission. You have filled them with boldness and courage and put a fire in their bones

Here's what I see. A Christian who's:

1. Working hard on getting sin OUT of her life.
2. And therefore growing in RIGHTEOUSNESS (she may not be very aware of this, same as I tend not to be).
3. "Gossiping the Gospel" at every available opportunity.
4. Working on becoming less worldly.
5. Serious about helping the poor and the needy.
6. Strongly committed to the Lord Jesus.

Wow thank you so much Fluffy for the awesome prayer. Before we leave to go out on Care-A-Van we gather around and pray. My prayer is always for more boldness. when we got done Bridgit said I cannot imagine you having more boldness, you are so bold now! We all laughed. It truly is a gift from our Lord.
But I had to learn to listen to the spirit in regards to it.

I love it Bondman.. Gossiping the Gospel! As you well know I must continue to learn the words of the Gospel. I love helping the poor and needy!

The working of getting the sin out of my life sure has been a process. Where does time fly to? It has been a year and 1/2 now since declaring sexual purity to the Lord.. Man that one has not been easy! There are days in regards to that that I think I will go nuts! .. however, I just keep turning to the word. There are so many scriptures that talk about not being sexually immoral.

The last few weeks have been much better for me as now that I am not in sin and caught up with wanting a man to love me and not spending time doing things I ought not to, I find myself with a clear head and taking care of things around the house. I feel right now, the Lord is calling me to get my home in order. ie.. finances, cleaning it, rooting it. I have so many darn papers.. old sermons from church, things I have printed off the internet, emails etc.. all that helped me get to where I am today.. thank goodness I like to read!
Even if folks do not like to read or cannot read, there are tapes and such that one can learn from.

The less worldy has been much easier as of late. 1/2 my basement is cleaned out now! got it done Friday night. I loaded up my car and took it to the streets.
What a feeling to see a woman walk down the street with my old ironing board!
As far as finances go, I am still working on that. I am learning to pack my lunch, walk to work, all little things that add up, so I may be able to give more financially to the kingdom. (confession here.. have not given up having my nails done or having my hair highlighted as those things I truly do enjoy and they make me feel good.. for years I struggled with self esteem issues and not feeling pretty but I know why now... because I did not know how much Jesus loved me and how he saw me.

I could ramble all morning.. you know me.. love to talk! But got to get ready for church. There is a single mom with 4 kids coming to church today and the 6 month pregant gal, plus a gentleman who is 10 days clean from alcohol that came to the bus yesterday. It is sun shining here today! Beautiful day! This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it.




Attached is a cute little guy sitting in a ceral box, and the other is a local church who comes out doing sandart with the kids explaining who Jesus is.

Lovely update on your life in Jesus, 'powered' by the Spirit! You sure have come a long way, and that is God if ever I've seen it!!

In one word, I'd say that your COMMITMENT is what's brought you to where you are today. Maybe add in DETERMINATION. What word would you use?

Oh, that's SO exciting about the Guest Speaker at the Children's Home Reunion!! And your grandparents ran it for all those years. I think we could call that HELPING THE NEEDY, don't you!

You are a blessing!!!

- BM
Reaching Higher #35


Beware Itching Ears!

Alright, but what on earth are THEY?? The Apostle Paul struck these in Athens (in Greece). The Gretians just LOVED listening to something NEW! The PROBLEM was that they just wanted to HEAR new doctrine, new things, new ideas - they had NO INTENTIONS whatsoever of DOING anything with what they heard!! THAT is ITCHING EARS!!

There's a lot of this around TODAY, including in Christian circles (not you I hope!) - people who HEAR - EVEN LOVE TO HEAR NEW TRUTH - but what do they ever DO with it? Answer: very little!!! The New Testament gives very strong COMMANDS to us about this: James Ch 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. If you are like this, then James says you're KIDDING yourself! - you THINK you are a certain type of person or Christian, will even STATE that you are, but you are NOT!!

Not surprisingly, the itching-eared Greeks were all IDOLITORS also. Again similar to today!! You KNOW that today we literally WORSHIP all manner of things that are ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with living as a Christian man or woman!!! (I've said before how we worship things, the materialistic things we surround our lives with, and we worship ease and comfort, and the good life - exactly like all the rest of our society!!!) Want to know why that's such a:

TRAGEDY of mammoth proportions?

It's because it totally PREVENTS you succeeding in BEING and LIVING as a TRUE CHRISTIAN!! 1 John Ch 2:15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. I presume that you want GOD'S LOVE or you wouldn't be reading this - but READ THAT VERSE AGAIN: if you love this WORLD and the THINGS in it, then you DO NOT, and you CANNOT have Father God's LOVE!!!

WITHOUT His love, according to that verse, just WHERE do you think you'll end up? Whoa!! My advice? - take very careful NOTE, and ensure that you CHANGE!!!

- BM, with his Love

Hi BM!

My journey is very strange to say the least! I will try and explain it.

I will start right from the start. I was raised by my Dad who is a really great person but not religious at all. All my life I have believed that there is a God and that there is an afterlife.

I am 33 years old but into my 20's I really wanted to find where I fit in and I started to research and learn about religions. Along my journey I have met some people who are just awesome and I really love the passion they have for Christianity.

Also every January my family and I which is my wife Penny and my 3 boys Jourdan, Jarrod and Jason go to my Uncles and Auntys house for a holiday. My Uncle is retired now but he was a minister and has worked for the Lord for a very long time. We have had many, many discussions on religion and he has had a great impact on my life.

While I completed my Uni degree (primary school teacher) I studied Eastern Religion which was very interesting but I do not believe in reincarnation so I didnt go far down that track.

I got to a point where I was just so frustrated and stressed that I couldnt find a perfect fit that I decided to take "the leap of faith" and become a Christian and trust God and I did that!

It was an awesome feeling and I felt like a huge weight had been taken off my shoulders. I was reading the bible (as you saw my comments on Matthew) and life couldnt be better.

Then one day I woke up and I had all these doubts. It was really weird because they all just hit me at once. Things like we are currently discussing like:

* Why would a loving God only let Christians into heaven?
* Why would a loving God let so much hurt and natural disaster happen in our lives?

That is just a couple of examples.

Anyway back to the story. Even though I was having these doubts I continued on and even decided that I might go to a church. I just wanted to experience it. The first church I went to had about a total of 10 people and made me feel very welcome. I felt uncomfortable because I had all this doubt and inside it just didnt feel right. I tried another church and there was a total of 7 people and they were also very welcoming but the pastor starting pushing some of the members on the forrid saying he had healed them and to me that was very weird and I didnt like it. I do understand what he was doing but it definately isnt for me.

Then in Victoria here we had the bushfires and they got to with in 10 minutes of us and all the death and loss really hit me hard. I know this is a minor event compared to death all around the world but when it is close to home it really hit me. I started thinking about my doubts again and I thought I cant just say " oh well this is part of Gods plan" and keep moving on.

I decided that I need to look at other religions again. Now dont forget at this point although I was having doubts I still believe in God and the afterlife so I wasnt just go to study and research any religion.

I came across something called Deism. I wont explain all about Deism here as that isnt what this message is all about but the basics are that there is a God/Creator who created the world but doesnt intervene in our every day lives. Now at the time of the bushfires and I was hurting that made alot of sense to me so I started talking to Deists and learning all about it. I thought I had found my religion (again).

So the last few months I have been happy reading, learning and discussing Deism and once again it felt great. But again just recently I woke up and felt like there is more and that is what has led me back here to find out more and learn.

To be honest I dont know if I am Christian, Deist or anything at this point but I just want to relax, learn and trust God takes me to where I need to be.

Please feel free to ask further questions or discuss any of this with me as I have laid it all on the line. I love you guys and I thank you all for helping me out in my search for the truth!

I hope my message makes sense as it is hard because there were a million thoughts running through my heads as I was typing this! :)

Wow Brad, you sure have been round the ridges, as they say! And still are it seems like, not certain of the right path, considering your doubt and doubts about the one true God.

For your consideration:

1. It truly doesn't look to me like you are yet in His Kingdom either, even though you've tried. With the help you've had, it's surprising to me that you are not yet settled in your heart and mind about the great God of everything.

2. I know you know what I'll say about the bushfires: it wasn't God's plan at all! Just part of how things go on this sin-wracked planet.

3. About the apparent unfairness of God allowing only Christians into heaven, He is a God of LOVE and of JUSTICE - NOT just love!! (Oh, Christians want heaven cos we love Him! But why would people who have blocked their mind off to the fact that He even exists, or just don't believe in Him, or who hate him (whether they admit that or not) - why would they want to spend all of Eternity with Him? They WOULDN'T!!)

(a) FACT: We ALL continually and wilfully SIN AGAINST GOD!!! That is STRIKE ONE!! Because at that point He should have acted AGAINST us as I've said previously, to EITHER do away with us OR send us DIRECTLY to hell (Monopoly's 'Do not pass Go'; 'Do not collect $200'!)

(b) FACT: instead He withheld His JUSTICE!! - because He is also a God of Mercy and Loving-Kindness! And because He'd CHOSEN to ultimately send His Son to earth to buy us back, redeeming us!! FOR FREE!!! Jesus came, willingly went to crucifixion, paid the FULLY PRICE OF OUR SIN THERE. He got totally separated from God, His Father, when the Father placed your sin and mine upon Him to pay the price for them - thus, while on the Cross, Jesus experienced HELL in out place, so freeing US to GO TO HEAVEN!!!

We then have the option of ACCEPTING this redemption and forgiveness that God's LOVINGLY provided for us - when clearly, because of our SIN and REBELLION against Him, we do NOT deserve this!!OR we can continue on as we are, REJECTING Jesus and REJECTING His sacrifice for us. God gave us wondrous FREEWILL to allow us to FREELY CHOOSE!!! Even allowing us to choose to reject His SON!!! I find that ASTONISHING!!! But if we do this: that's STRIKE TWO!! - and we're out!!

So NO PERSON standing before the King of Kings at Judgment Day will be able to try and tell God that He was UNFAIR or UNJUST, when rather it's the opposite: He's withheld judgment and bent over backwards, as it were, to give us horrendously rebellious humans not ONE, but TWO chances ("two STRIKES") to be saved and go to heaven, neither of which we've DESERVED!!!

An amazing and astonishing God of the greatest of LOVE, GRACE AND MERCY!!!

4. Concerning trusting that God will take you to where you need to be, where we need to be is primarily up to US: the Scriptures say that WE have to SEEK GOD. Jesus speaking: Luke Ch 11:9 "So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."

Anyone in Australia or America WHO TRULY WANTS GOD WILL find Him. But you need to SEEK and literally SEARCH Him out! Why? Numbers of reasons, one of which is that God needs to know that you are SERIOUS about Him! (same thing applies while we are LIVING as Christians!!)

5. Finally, I am quite at a loss as to why you haven't already truly found the Living GOD!! I'm wondering if there's some thing you're maybe even unaware of that's holding you back - because otherwise it makes no sense to me that you're not already in God's Kingdom!

If I were you, I'd be on my knees day after day after day, crying out to God to help you TO FIND HIM. AND I wouldn't give up till He answered!!! I'd be asking Him to REVEAL to you what it is that's blocking you from Him!! Jeremiah Ch 29:13 And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord... GOD'S PROMISE TO YOU, dear Brad!!!

Meantime, we are here for you like I've said. If at any time you're urgently seeking God along the lines of above, and would like Inner Roomies to PRAY and PRAY for you till you get into the Kingdom of the Living God, then please just write to say so and we will, okay!

All the very best, my friend, blessings, and much love!! (to you and your family).

- BM
Hey, Caveman!
As a firefighter, I wanted jump in here right quick. I have been through some pretty terrific fires, but none of them as devastating as the brushfires your country went through. And I've got to say, no matter how small it is, or how small the damage, it is still unnerving. Even to the neighbors! They mop their brow and say "whew! Thank God it didnt come any closer!" So to say that the brushfires you went through had an effect on you is quite right, and no need to minimize it.
Funny, many of our firefighters may not be believers when they first join up, but it doesnt take them long to at least believe in a Higher Power! :}

Also, I wanted to add that the doubts that suddenly assailed you are not unusual. Its very important to find a good, solid church for you to be a part of. They will help you get through these doubts. Bondman's advice about reading the Word, and getting on your face before God are very good ones. The Word says that those who seek Him with all their hearts will find Him. He draws near to those who draw near to Him.

Please keep posting here and letting us know how you are. Keep asking those questions, too! :}
Hey, Caveman!
As a firefighter, I wanted jump in here right quick. I have been through some pretty terrific fires, but none of them as devastating as the brushfires your country went through. And I've got to say, no matter how small it is, or how small the damage, it is still unnerving. Even to the neighbors! They mop their brow and say "whew! Thank God it didnt come any closer!" So to say that the brushfires you went through had an effect on you is quite right, and no need to minimize it.
Funny, many of our firefighters may not be believers when they first join up, but it doesnt take them long to at least believe in a Higher Power! :}

Also, I wanted to add that the doubts that suddenly assailed you are not unusual. Its very important to find a good, solid church for you to be a part of. They will help you get through these doubts. Bondman's advice about reading the Word, and getting on your face before God are very good ones. The Word says that those who seek Him with all their hearts will find Him. He draws near to those who draw near to Him.

Please keep posting here and letting us know how you are. Keep asking those questions, too! :}

Like Fluffy said (she KNOWS!!), to be within 10 minutes of bush-fires like we had is likely to un-nerve the strongest of us, as it did you! Where you said: "I know this is a minor event compared to death all around the world," just like Fluffy wrote, I DON'T AGREE with that at all! As you went on to say, "but when it is close to home it really hit me." INDEED!!

Because life sure can be tough (and sometimes very frightening) is a great reason why many, many people give their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ!! He is ALWAYS a heavenly friend in time of need!!

- BM
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